It's all very convenient no one has mentioned that you all were given ample warning to tone down the behaviour before any disciplinary action was even taken in the first place. You gentlemen were not asked once to tone it down. You were not asked twice. You were asked three.bloody.times to cut it out. I apologize if I didn't lay it out in bright red, ALL-CAPPED 48-pt-font for you. I'll do it next time if it'll inspire someone to listen.
I have always made myself available to people who have concerns. I work full-time and I go to school full-time so as much as I'd like to, I simply cannot be here 24/7 to babysit. When I'm alerted to an issue, I do what I can to address and resolve it as soon as I am able and I want you guys to enjoy yourselves here and to not feel attacked or threatened to voice your opinion. But to my knowledge, not one of you - at any point - came to any of the staff members with a problem. Instead you chose to sit there and fuel the flames yourselves. And if you look at that thread with an unbiased, objective eye, you'll note the most egregious comments were not made by the individual whom everyone seemingly has an issue with. What exactly would you have us think?
As I said, the 'ignore' function is there for a reason. The person you ignore will not see your posts and you will not see theirs. It's a pretty easy solution if you ask me.