I just got two tickets for a pre-launch event for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix in London next week, I'm so happy! 

Where did the summer go? Can't believe it's September already.
^ My Summer consisted of rain. So much rain in fact there hasn't been a Summer like this ever recorded. So depressing. lol
We barely had a summer this year... there was only a small handful of days when it was actually hot.
I live in Southern Ontario and we usually have really, really hot summers - it's just this particular year that's been an oddity. There were two or three days in the middle of the summer that were scorching, but then we had rain at least once a week. And then half the time we had fall weather. It's been bizarre.
It's not a myth, but don't expect a global pehomenon to have local effect everywhere. But it's wrong to think we can stop it by not using our cars. Incrased fuel taxes only helps the government's funds. I hear so much talk about reversing and slowing down global warming. That is wasted effort. Instead human kind has to learn to adapt to the changing climate.we are constantly brainwashed by Geo-engineering propaganda, global warming is a myth
It's not a myth, but don't expect a global pehomenon to have local effect everywhere. But it's wrong to think we can stop it by not using our cars. Incrased fuel taxes only helps the government's funds. I hear so much talk about reversing and slowing down global warming. That is wasted effort. Instead human kind has to learn to adapt to the changing climate.
Maybe the increased CO2 will help save the rain forrests? I don't know that, but I do know that the rain forrest is one of the biggest consumers of CO2, and that increased CO2 levels will increase growth of forrest and vegetation generally (not everywhere). Things tends to balance each other. Increase the supply of a commodity, and the demand for that commodity will increase. It's how nature works.
It's not a myth, but don't expect a global pehomenon to have local effect everywhere. But it's wrong to think we can stop it by not using our cars. Incrased fuel taxes only helps the government's funds. I hear so much talk about reversing and slowing down global warming. That is wasted effort. Instead human kind has to learn to adapt to the changing climate.
Maybe the increased CO2 will help save the rain forrests? I don't know that, but I do know that the rain forrest is one of the biggest consumers of CO2, and that increased CO2 levels will increase growth of forrest and vegetation generally (not everywhere). Things tends to balance each other. Increase the supply of a commodity, and the demand for that commodity will increase. It's how nature works.
its weather modification. Reducing temperatures by creating false cloud cover (cloud seeding).
hence you hardly ever see a blue sky, and we are constantly brainwashed by Geo-engineering propaganda, global warming is a myth
Anyway, I'm wondering - you know how some jobs online show cut-off dates for accepting applications? Do HR managers look at resumes and start interviewing before this date or do they typically wait?