I agree! As someone who works in a restaurant, I can't stand it when I walk up to a table to take their order and they're either on the phone or texting. Company policy states that I have to approach your table within thirty seconds and I can't do that if you're on the flipping phone! I also hate being told to hold on in the middle of an order because someone receives a text message, I'm not too fond of someone coming in to place a to-go order and being on the phone or having to converse with someone on the phone about what they want - have them write it down before you leave the house or you could have just called the order in but you're wasting my time.
On that same note, I don't understand it when two people come in to eat together and neither can hold a conversation because they're both texting. What's the point in going out to eat together when you're just going to ignore each other?
On that same note, I don't understand it when two people come in to eat together and neither can hold a conversation because they're both texting. What's the point in going out to eat together when you're just going to ignore each other?