What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Oh, man, I had one of the biggest scares ever this morning. I almost killed my dog.

So, my parents are on vacation, so I have to feed the animals and in the morning because it's still dark I have to take the dog on a leash to go pee (during the day we just let her out). This dog is like, 15-16 years old, she can't hear very well anymore and her sight is going too - my dad said she probably didn't see the tree. And she gets the ****s alot. So, I'm not watching (I normally don't have to because she just does her business and comes back) but for some reason she starts circling a tree (it's only about an inch or two in diameter). Then she gets to the end of her lead and starts crying out - she doesn't have the sense to just walk the other way so she keeps pulling on the leash despite the fact there's nothing left. So I run up to her and try to unwrap her, but because she's gotta **** she won't stay still and starts going crazy. She starts biting me (keep in mind, this dog is the most gentle thing in the world and has never bitten anyone before) and choking and howling and I'm trying to keep her still so I can unclasp the leash but she won't stay so I just start hauling her in the opposite direction to create some slack and she eventually stops choking and I managed to unclasp it.

It scared the **** out of me and I was crying for like, half an hour after that. I don't know what the hell she was doing.

EDIT: Wait a second... that doesn't sound like him. Who the hell is that?!
I can't hear the song while I'm still at work, but it's possible that it's not him. As far as I know all of Prince's videos get taken off youtube, get muted or something.
Edit: You're right :) It doesn't sound like Prince's version.
I can't hear the song while I'm still at work, but it's possible that it's not him. As far as I know all of Prince's videos get taken off youtube or get muted or something.

I think I saw one comment saying it was R. Kelly or something. I am disappoint.

CT: A PRETTY GIRL LIKES ME BACK OH MY GOD! I didn't think it was possible. *spazzes out*
Don't you love people who do something one day to completely screw you over, and then the next day they act like nothing happened and ask you for a favour?

No, you dumb ass, maybe you should have thought about that yesterday when you left me to clean up your mess.
CT: In Paula Cole's words... "Where have all the cowboys gone?" No seriously... why is this f*cking song stuck in my head. I mean... I love it and all, but dear god it won't leave! Perhaps if I post it then it will. *troll face*
Hellllooooo Spawnshooter!!!! Welcome back!!!

CT: I don't get it. A test is a test. You're not supposed to ask for help - you either know the answer or you don't. I got the same handouts you did - and ALL the answers were on those handouts. EVERYONE was on equal footing. It's not my fault you didn't study, so don't get all ****ed off at me that I wouldn't tell you the answers. IT'S A TEST, YOU IDIOT.
CT: Getting friendzoned by someone who said they liked you just like a week ago is far too much for me to handle. I don't like feelings... wish I could throw my heart out the window right now, then set it on fire.