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What are you thinking? (Part 2)


Her royal court joker
i just got a job :)

CT: At this rate with our awkwardness... we'll never have sex. This is like... Kristen Stewart awkward, but I like it and it's cute.
Lol. See it as the 1st course in asexuality. Next time come to me, we can cuddle and I'll give you the advanced course in asexuality. :p

Nerdorable. :p
adorkable. :D
LOL!! You two are so very very cute, that's two words I'll remember.


wordy agronaut
Well, I've realized I hold all my relationships up to the standard of her example... I figure I'll say something along those lines, and that now I have proof that her method is successful. :p


Her royal court joker
I did work today.

Dinner today? lol Why? Because you only have pizza and beer?
No, the pizza and beer was delicious (it wasn't pre-made frozen pizza it was fresh). I said it only because you were bored or tired and I tried to think of something that would be nice for you. :)


Kahnum of Outworld
No, the pizza and beer was delicious (it wasn't pre-made frozen pizza it was fresh). I said it only because you were bored or tired and I tried to think of something that would be nice for you. :)
That's very sweet, Romero; you're simply too cha-cha for words. ;)


The watchful protector.
CT: Self control comes in the form of a vibrator. :D LOL I should seriously tell my tramp friends that! Oh and I just had the funniest and most retarded conversation with a really good friend on here. Thanks for that! ;)


Her royal court joker
I'm thinking I'm going to go back to college next September. I'll be a professional student at this rate.
As far as I'm concerned you're a professional at everything you do. :)

CT: I get so annoyed when I see two women catfight or have a full-out brawl, especially when their lady-bits are hanging out. I wonder if they realize how trashy and unladylike they appear. What happened to being passive-aggressive? Sheesh.
OMG! LOL! As I started to read I was like, "What's so bad with a catfight", and then I came to the part where you mentioned their lady-bits. WTFLMFAO! *no smilie can possibly express this*
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