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What are you thinking? (Part 2)


Kahnum of Outworld
CT: Labyrinth DVD, where might you be???????? I hate when things get lost during moves. I can't find it anywhere. :(
I'm sorry, sweetness; I know how much you love that movie. :( I'm so sad for you right now.


Has anyone ever hate a seriously late reaction to something and just, all of a sudden, gotten ****ed off? Take for example today: I've been loving Umbrella Chronicles since I got it and then, quite suddenly, I come to the realization that Barry is NO WHERE TO BE SEEN! like he never even existed and well...I'm sorta mad now...okay, I'm really mad. :mad:


Her royal court joker
I was thinking about eventually getting RE6. :eek: If you like, you can hang on to it and let it collect dust. Then if/when I get it you can play with me and we can have fun being silly and talk about vaginas and butts. Would that make the game more fun? :oops:
Meg, what should we do without you?
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Her royal court joker
CT: If I convince God that someone else needs wet snow more than I do, maybe they will get it and not me?
Edit: All right Mr/Ms God, you didn't give me that hurricane so I'll shut up. For a while.

That, or we would have to invent you.


Her royal court joker
Pffft, I was invented at 8:59 PM on Sunday, December 29th 1991. You missed your window of opportunity. :p
You're missing the point here, we don't have to invent you thanks to that, and if you wasn't invented then that window would never have closed.
You're kinda special so I hope your inventors patented you haha.
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