me talking to myself in the car, outside on the curb, walking home from work...."I wonder if anyone else besides me wants to get out of this reality. My eyes and mind sees things differently, almost making things appear out of thin air, things that arent really there. I wonder if I'm the only one like me. I think I am completely and utterly alone sometimes in these thoughts. I was looking at the freeway as I walked over the bridge and paused as I watched the fast moving traffic. cars began to slow, and I started to see a alternative way of transportation, What if the freeway was just a road of light that was for people to get on and off of with ease, or that the sides and middle embankments where parks and bursting areas or foliage and trees to bring the carbon dioxide a negative as it was let out by the on going traffic. Then blinking I look to my left to what trees are left, how i wish there where more, How i wish I lived away from this concrete jungle. I cant breathe, I cant sleep in this hard dirty rough cancer causing environment. But I am trapped, this is my life, I have to come to terms with i deal is seeing things differently, thinking, imagining and dreaming an alternative reality. I would have never imagined in my younger years how eye opening the truth really is, and how depressing it can bring ones soul.
troubled soul of mine hang on tight
this is the fight for her life
If i can't succeed neither can she
I must win
Dont stop moving forward
please god give me strength
let me live