CT: If I see one more hateful post on my FB with some ass hat eating Chic-fil-a and talking about how much they hate gays, I'm going to go postal. Removed a lot of bigots today... Just because Chic-fil-a is against gay marriage doesn't mean you have to spread your hate to a global level and post it all over your damn FB.
One person went as far as posting a picture of himself shoving a chicken sandwich in his mouth and went "This one is for you faggots! Burn in hell and die! If I catch any of you in MY chic fil a, I got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it. God bless Chic-fil-a!" Really? REALLY? Most of these people haven't even eaten chic-fil-a before in their lives. Why start now?
Is this what Jesus taught? No. I've had enough of this sh!t.