Spike991;42245 said:
In alot of ways.
First it made this whole idea that Wesker was chosen beforehand, from the very beginning, and pretty much having the whole pathway to Umbrella paved for him, rather than meeting Birkin on his own terms, although it may have seemed that way to him at the time.
It shows that Birkin, one of Wesker's only friends, had been behind Wesker's back, dealing with Spencer in his plot with the whole Wesker Children thing, which is the main point I am talking about.
Not to mention Wesker actually having a REAL friendship with someone shows that Wesker did once have a human side dispite his history of betrayal. Not anymore though!
Don't get me wrong, I love Wesker as a Tyrant, BOW, half zombie, werewolf, kitty cat whatever the hell people want to call him, but it's nice to know that he was once a human with other interest other than COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION HUUUUUUHHAAA!!! (Sorry had a fan outburst.)
The problem with that is the message that is sent. In our world, I never like to see good die. The ultimate good should always prevail and live on after the defeat of the ultimate evil.
But see that's the problem, good ALWAYS prevail. How many of us knew that Wesker was most likely gonna die while Chris lived as soon as we found out that Wesker was gonna be in the game? Can't we get a change or surprize for once?
As for the message...Well sure we don't like to see good die, but they do, a VG surely shouldn't be any different. Let's be honest, most good people get ****ed up in real life. It just sounds too fairytale-ish to have the good guy walk away without a scratch while the bad guy is obliterated and all his/her hard work goes to waste, in every series. It gets WAY too predictable.
Not to mention, like I said, Wesker's no angel, but his idea really wasn't that bad, if you see it from his POV. Humans are screwing themselves and are slowly but surely bringing themselves to their own self-distruction.
Wesker only said everything that everyone else is thinking but afraid to admit. (No im not emo.) It's possible he had a plan to get rid of the giant spagetti monsters after the global saturation was done and the chaft was seperated from the wheat, so it wouldn't be akward sharing the world with giant bowls of rotten spagetti gone wild.
I could say more but the post is long enough.