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The Leaving/Returning Thread


The Lousy Architect
It's been okay... where you have been young man?!
If i reply to quickly you'll know i'm being defensive, if i hesitate you'll know i'm lying and i dont want to end up sleeping outside again. So i'll just say my computer got another virus and a mixture of real life stuff got in the way. I know its no excuse but....its all i have. Be gentle.


Chief Researcher
Woah quite the wicked transformation? I'd say a handful of people on here remember who i am. But for those people i say a hardy HIYA! :) Can anyone be so kind as to fill me in on what i missed since i've been here.

oh and um....Its good to be back (of sorts)

Hey CC, welcome back. I could fill you in but then I'd be banned... Just by saying it! You can't imagine what's been going on around here.


The Lousy Architect
Hey CC, welcome back. I could fill you in but then I'd be banned... Just by saying it! You can't imagine what's been going on around here.
I cant? are you insinuating i have no imagination! lol i kid (but only slightly) I assume everything crumbled to small infinitesimal fragments of goat excriment and discombobulated, incoherent thoughts after i left...please tell me i'm wrong.

We are still allowed to ban people right?


The Lousy Architect
Welcome back CC! :D We have missed you.

Yeah! Who do you want banned? Just say a name. xD
Its good to be missed :""D I'll keep that on reserve for when i'll really need it ;) I'm sure i'll disagree with someone on something sooner or later, and if someone disagrees with me, i cant have them sharing the same internet as me.
Am I dreaming? *pinches self* CC?! :eek:

*Punches Tremor* Nope! you're not dreaming :D


The Lousy Architect
I'll be back and forth more often. Torn my ACL and meniscus doing snowboarding so i may need more surgery. Fun.
That sucks man i'm terribly sorry. I know what its like to get injured on the slopes (not ACL injured...but) Where did you take the dive my friend?

Welcome back btw :D


Potato Lobber
That sucks man i'm terribly sorry. I know what its like to get injured on the slopes (not ACL injured...but) Where did you take the dive my friend?

Welcome back btw :D
Believe it or not, the tear was only MADE worse by the falls (in Serre Chevalier, France). I did football the week before, felt like my knee popped out, been walking with a massive limp until yesterday, when I couldn't even limp. More surgery possibly awaits. What a fun 2 years it's been for me (left shoulder in 2010 after 4 dislocations). XD


The Lousy Architect
We are fragile creatures....humans. Its a shame we have such restraints in the physical world. I'm deeply sorry for your pain(s) though i guess its good you have Health insurance??

lol And here i was about to boast of my jouneys to North Carolina (havent even made it to Colorado yet) how pretencious of me. I bet France was gorgeous.


Potato Lobber
Health insurance (I don't think) covers unstable/ridiculously weak joint problems, sadly. I suffer from hyper mobility, whereby the cartilage and collagen in me is much, much weaker than an average persons.
And hell yeah, very beautiful from many parts of the piste!


Her royal court joker
It's nice to see you, ChrisRedfield1994, welcome back! But I'm sad to hear about your health problems. You've had more than enough of that already. Try to be a bit careful with your body, ok?


Potato Lobber
Might not be on for a while after tomorrow. A) I have surgery on my knee to correct whatever the hell I've done (either ACL reconstruction or something else) and (b) gotta revise a ton for my AS level exams in May.


Her royal court joker
Might not be on for a while after tomorrow. A) I have surgery on my knee to correct whatever the hell I've done (either ACL reconstruction or something else) and (b) gotta revise a ton for my AS level exams in May.
Good luck with the surgery!


The Confucius of ReNews...Cheers KK.
The nights are drawing shorter, and the open road is calling me once again.

Gotta go,

But for whoever cares,

Be sure to know that at any given time, i'll be on a highway somewhere cruisin to a destination unknown, chewing gum and looking bad ass.




Tiger Army Never Dies!
Later on VP! Every time I take a long draw on a cig, you shall be thought of!

Cheers, dude!
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