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Resident evil RPG


lol this is awesome and at page 50 there launching the strike that dies in 100 pages then another one that takes us all away at 200+


Well-Known Member
[Ignoring rathit's post]

Minja decided to check out the bathroom first,because Shady went to the bedroom,and Vince went to the kitchen to grab a sandwich..-Noting could shake your stomach ey?-Minja smiled at him..She opened the door with caution,her gun in her hand...It was a small bathroom,but very pleasent,all in blue,with white seashells on the tiles.The only thing spoiling the peaceful sight was a body of a young woman,laying in the bath.There was a pistol and a note beneath her cold,dead hand,streched across the tub.Minja aproached carfully,and saw that there was a gun wound through the woman's head..Minja took the note and read it..-Apparently the young woman was Alexandra.She and her husband moved to Racoon a year ago...Minja scanned the letter-Me and Dave have been trapped here for days...There's a riot outside...Dave got bitt..So scared...Dave acting crazy...Gun...Suicide..-She finished the letter..Minja felt sad.."So many tragedies...So many lifes ruined...We have to find out what happened,survive,and punish the ones responsabile...And I am sure there are more survivors,and if Shady and Vince don't feel like it,I'm going to help them myself,or die trying...-She thought about Reno,who dissappeared and her heart felt sick...She hoped he was alive and well...She got the revolver,and found a first aid kit...The woman mentioned that her husband loved hunting,and had lots of weapons stashed in the attick...When she found every usable thing she left the bathroom,not looking back,for if she looked back,she wouldn't have the strenght to continue...-She found Vince lounging in the living room...and Shady sitting in an armchair,his legs on the coffe table..-I have some news..-Minja said.


Vince asked what the news was eating some food. What he really thought of was getting to the mall.

(almost or smallest post i have made in this thread)


Well-Known Member
-I found a dead woman in the bathroom..And this-Minja handed the suicide letter to Shady...-Did you find her husband?He's probably moaning in here somewhere...The poor woman killed herself...-She sighed..-Anyway,there are weapons and ammo in the attick..You and Vince should go and get them,and I think we should make this apartment our temporary headquarters.We can scout the few blocks around for survivors,or some radios,any kind of comunication..and make a plan on what to do next..also,we can investigate a bit on who's behind all this terror..Ok,you go upstairs,and I'll make this place a bit comfortable,and-corpseless...-She frowned.


Hard To Kill
It must be him I killed erlier when I was in the bedroom, let's check him out, perhaps he got some clues on him.


Potato Lobber
Name: James Czechovich
Age: 25
Occupation: Soldier
Weapons: M4A1 Carbine w/ ACOG scope, PEQ Unit, M92FS
Appearance: ACU trousers and jacket, ACU Interceptor body armour, MICH 2000 helmet w/ ACU cover, brown eyes, Balaclava that reveals only James's eyes

(Is that OK?)


Well-Known Member
-Ok,you do it...I'll despose the body,and Vince will get the weapons and ammo-she said sadly..It was a cruel thing to do,but Minja had to throw her body from the window,and make it a zombie meal...She thought of burrying here,but it would be to risky...She didn't know how many zombies were lurking through the building halls...


Well-Known Member
ChrisRedfield1994;25987 said:
Name: James Czechovich
Age: 25
Occupation: Soldier
Weapons: M4A1 Carbine w/ ACOG scope, PEQ Unit, M92FS
Appearance: ACU trousers and jacket, ACU Interceptor body armour, MICH 2000 helmet w/ ACU cover, brown eyes, Balaclava that reveals only James's eyes

(Is that OK?)

No problem.Welcome to hell :)


Hard To Kill
Well as I was searching him I found a photo, Checked his wallet. He had a license. This man was a reasercher, he worked for a company called
BRAVO Corp. I know them, the work with microbiology, I visited them once. with my MicroBiology class in school.


Potato Lobber
If ya say so!

Running on pure adrenaline, Private First Class James Czechovich was running out of time. His choices were, to obey his commander and stay and fight, and get ripped to pieces, or run like hell, and hope the automated turret on the Stryker doesn't shoot him. He was a member of a squad of 6. 3/6 were now eating his squad leader. 1/6 was dead. Purely dead, from a bullet to the head from James. Second after second, heartbeat after heartbeat, his chances of survival were becoming much smaller. With one mag left for his M4, his took off on the highway, were his team was positioned. Not looking back, he came to a toll booth, were he used his radio to try and find some life.
"Bravo echo three, this is juliet charlie 1, my sqaud is down. I say again, my squad is down!" he exclaimed into the radio. No reply.


Well-Known Member
(Off topic: Chrissy you have no idea how your character's surname sounds funny in it's original form :) )


After dumping the body,a act which will haunt her for the rest of her life,however long it may be,Minja decided to sweep through the house a bit.The kitchen was heavy with food supplies,so they won't have to worry about starvation...She found clothes in the closet,so they could all have a bath and change...It must be ages since she washed...One room remained unsearched..Minja entered it..It was in chaos-reaserch papers tossed all around..-Shady..come quick.-.She found a Diary...Mr Dave Hugh's diary...


Vince stood around in the living room when suddenly the power jumped on. "Great." Vince said and took his laptop out of his bag. He logged on and started surfing the web lucky that the internet was still live. He then said "you guys better turnn the lights out or we will be swarmed." at that moment he turned off the light in the living room then found a news flash on the internet. It was about riots in Racoon City. "Sure riots." Vince mumbled.


Well-Known Member
There was a problem with Dave's diary,it was full of biology and science stuff...Neither Minja nor Shady understood them.But Shady wanted to keep the diary anyway...Maybe they would find out a way to get the point of Mr Hugh's words...

They found Vince in the living room..-Did you get the guns from the attick?-Minja asked..-You logged on?Can you ask for help?Or maybe connect to a local frequency...Find survivors,or something? We should give it a shot... - (A bit off topic: This is how we find DegenerateEllite's characters,and Chrises if he want's to make contact..)


i will get on open military walkie talkie and radio frequencies. Vince logged on and found 3 open.

(degenerate and chris can make con tact)


Jupiter Jazz
The crows outside feast on the flesh of the infected corpses...
spreading the infection like a plage. turning the world into a hell on earth.

*makes crow noises*



Well-Known Member
Minja,Shady and Vince spent the whole day in the apartment,resting...They had to barricade the windows because of the birds...Eventually they would have to check the whole building out,which ment going through 15 apartments...They would have to split up to cover them all. But for now they needed their rest...They put the lap top on the table,which stood silet..They hoped there would be a reply...Minja washed their clothes,and put them on the heater.It looked like a normal life,only for a second...


Hard To Kill
I apprichiated you washing my Burthday cloths I putt'em on,mmm I felt great in clean, they look nicer now. Soon we must start planing our escape, any suggestion?
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