Man, I disappear for a couple of weeks and all hell breaks loose. You guys just CAN'T survive without me

Let's lay down some logic!
Who Leon does and doesn't know.
- Chris - We can assume they have met face to face BEFORE the events of RE6 by the way the talked to each other during their infamous stand off cutscene. We can confirm they at least contacted each other by other methods since 1998 seeing as it was Leon who told Chris how to get to Claire at Rockfort.
- Claire - He knows Claire, but doesn't keep in contact much due to their incredibly busy schedules. That said, they have a bond between them that is unlike many others in the RE universe. (Also, when Claire said she had "Boyfriend" in Degeneration, she was jokingly calling her new job her boyfriend seeing as she's working so much. She didn't ACTUALLY have a boyfriend, that we know of at least)
- Barry - Works for the BSAA and is very close to both Chris and Jill, so it's likely he has at the LEAST heard of Leon. On top of that, the BSAA clearly gets the reports from other agencies that deal with Bio-Terrorism, such as when Chris states that he read the "Kennedy Report" in RE5. So even if Barry has never met Leon, as a BSAA Advisor (Which is Barry's job), he has most likely read Leon's reports.
- Jill - Finally, the main event. Yes, I believe Jill knows Leon. Again, She is very close to Chris, and also, seeing as (During RE5) they have the same job title, and Chris had clearance to read the Kennedy Report, one would assume she does too, and would at least KNOW who he is, and have a good idea of the type of agent he is.
2. Raccoon City
- Someone earlier said that Raccoon City was a relatively small town. I call Bullsh*t. We've seen Raccoon City. Small towns don't have sky scrapers. On top of that, the game states Raccoon City has over 100,000 residents. I live in a City VERY comparable to Raccoon City (In fact there are theories out there suggesting the city I live in is what Raccoon City is BASED off of), Springfield, MO. We have 164,000 residents, and this is NO small town. It's the third largest city in the state. It's no New York or Chicago, but it's DEFINITELY a fair sized city.
3. Leon's Professionalism
- There are very few times where Leon is unprofessional with ANYONE other than Ada. Yes, I'll give you at the very end of RE4 when he hits on Hunnigan, however, when you've just endured what HE did, isn't a half-hearted flirt kind of deserved lol. Other than that, he at no point hits on Helena in a sexual manner. He is just being a casual human being. He NEVER was unprofessional with Angela. In fact, one of the reasons his character is SO off in Degeneration is BECAUSE of his professionalism. It's not just him going solo, so he can't be his jokey, reckless self. He has to be calm, cool, collected, and unfunny. He is very stern that whole movie, and only lowers his guard at the very end, to say that he and Angela should see each other again. At that point he's off the clock, mission is over, and he's allowed to do so. And before someone says "But he kisses her underwater," he is trying to give her breath when underwater. It's something that Marines do. Final piece of evidence, Ashley CLEARLY states she wants some Leon Lovin' and he turns her down. Hows that for professional lol. So really, it's ONLY with Ada, and the Sexual tension between those two is very well placed. On a side note, he doesn't hit on Claire at all in RE2 either, even though she's supposed to be rather fine looking form the way the game makes her out to be...