If the Umbrella/ Darkside Chronicles are truly canon, then we are to say that Alexia and Wesker never fought, Claire and Wesker never met, Chris and Wesker never had their showdown at the Antarctic base, Chris and Jill never split up in the Spencer mansion, Rebecca was never shot in the chest, and Barry never turned on Jill and Wesker never manipulated him into doing so. This leaves us with one lacklustre canon story. Also, how would Chris know that Wesker is still alive and has gained super human strength if we go by the Chronicles events, for the two don't meet again on Rockfort Island? While it is acceptable for the Remake to replace the original, and for Code Veronica X to replace Code Veronica, I wouldn't say the same when it comes to either of the Chronicles replacing 1, 2, 3, and Code Veronica X.
As the guys at Capcom are really inconsistent with the Resident Evil franchise and apparently don't do their jobs 100%, it is left to the fanbase to piece things together. All contradictions need questioning - be it the Chronicles games or the supplement material (back story). Using the whole 'facts are facts, regardless of opinion...' (thing) is an easy way to win an argument when you have little else to offer. I mean how factual can the 'facts' be if they don't make actual sense? Something stated about something is not believable if it doesn't add up. All you need is a brain to work it out

Now, the creators can state anything they like about their own work, but they shouldn't expect their creations to be taken as intelligent, valid, or acceptable by fans (and the critics).