Same here, I fear that too...
Have you noticed all of Capcom's laziness in the game so far? Just from what we have seen in the trailres...I want to point these out as I have not done so on this forum yet....
For Leon they are just reusing his RE4 character model.

As the knife holster is something he got sometime after RE2, by 2004 at least. So that is a lazy thing for Capcom, that also happens to mess with the continuity, as he probably wouldn't have had it if he hadn't met Claire on that faithful day.
His voice in Paul Mercier, which I liked him as Leon, better than Haddad, but I didn't know if he could pull off a rookie voice, and I think hearing him in the final game will tell us.
Otherwise his hair seems to have been made more of a brown like it was in RE2, which is great, since it was a bit brighter in RE4.
Claire's outfit is very different, most obviously the blue shorts...replacing the pink ones of course. Her hair is supposed to have shorter bangs combed over, as she didn't have them grown out and split in the middle until at least CVX. Otherwise Alyson Court is as amazing as usual, and I guess Capcom has realized that using a totally new cast is just going to screw you over.
Ada is also just lazily being reused from RE4. Her outfit was remade in RE4 Mercs, but altered a bit just because, which isn't a big deal as it was RE4 Mercs, but when Capcom is too lazy to actually remake Ada from RE2 that is when I get ticked off. Her hair style is close enough, but the hair color in RE2 was dark brown, and it was RE4 that it was jet black. Her outfit did not have pannyhose or hight heels, she had little slip-ons and leggings. It sure looks very tactical which is very different from her casual civillian look that she had in RE2.
Sherry looks pretty good, and hopefully her voice in good too. William from the two shots we got of him(one in his 1st mutation & the other in his 3rd one) look great, and I cannot wait to see what he looks like in his human form, hopefully better than the did in UC, and hopefully with a voice actor who didn't just hit puberty. I am most excited for Birkin, so I have my fingers crossed that his voice is either that of Diego Matamores from RE2 or the guy who voiced him in RE0..