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  • This is really minor, and it itsn't really a problem. But I think one think should be updated...The Resident Evil: Revelations tab should be moved from the upcoming games section to the main games section in between RE4 and RE5...Just cause it's out already and that's how the story goes...Just a thought though...
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    Reactions: Steve
    I totally agree! I don't know why I hadn't remembered to do it before; I look at it everyday for Pete's sake! ^_^

    Cheers for the heads-up!
    Haha...Cool...You're the man Steve...
    Hello there! I type this with totally good intentions in mind...Have you ever been told you look like Scott Ian from the band Anthrax?
    There's a band called 'Anthrax'? ^_^

    I had to Google the dude, since I'd never heard of him before. I'm really digging the guy's goatee, though! Suddenly I want to grow mine an extra two feet and colour it red...
    Haha...The color changes now and again...He's also had it blue, black, and I think green...It's usually red though...As far as the band goes...They're alright...Idk your musical preferance, but they are in the same categeory as Metalica, assuming you've heard of them...
    Hi Steve.I have currently got an issue with uploading an avatar.When i try, i get this message "A server error occurred. Please try again later." Its been happening a few days and just wondering if you had any knowledge on how to fix on the issue or if its just a server hiccup as it says?Thanks.
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    Reactions: AlexAnnRedfield
    Hi mate! T'is indeed just a hiccup! It's been fixed now, though. :)
    awesome, thanks steve!
    Hey Steve, hate to be a bother but it seems that I can no longer change my signature, the option is no longer on my drop-down menu. I tried just putting the url in but when I did, it said that I didn't have permission to perform this action.
    You're amazing, Steve - problem fixed. :D Thank you so much.
    No worries! Sorry again about the late response. Angel mentioned that you were waiting on a reply and I hadn't gotten back to you.

    Do please let me know if you happen to come across any other problems and I'll make sure to get 'em sorted much more promptly - honest!
    No more problems. :D No wait...*runs and checks* I think my name is still undeservingly in gold *blushes*. I'm not entirely sure how that one happened either, I'm just glad someone pointed it out to me, lol. (Funny how I never noticed it.)
    Another missing forum - I think you have removed it on purpose because it disappeared at the same time as the change a couple weeks ago.
    [...] for it to be worth removing. Its removal are causing problems with finding back to feedback topics (difficult if you don't recall any key words), but it almost seems like you aren't too concerned about negative effects from change. And you are in your right of course, no matter what you do.
    Hi mate. For further clarification: I believed the Feedback forum was redundant because hardly anybody used it, regardless of my activity. Perhaps I will re-introduce it once the forum is popular enough to warrant a need for a section specifically for providing feedback.
    OK. I will not bother you with all my other reasons for thinking different on this issue, I have already explained them a long time ago. Thanks for listening though.

    Is it possible to have tags on threads? It could make it easier to find content.
    Hi, where did the Art forum go? Is it temporary out of order? It was here after the big change a couple weeks ago, I think it's only about a couple days ago since it disappeared.
    Steve!.!.! Awesome freakin job on the site man. It's perfect now. Seriously guy, great Job, I absolutly LOVE the new layout and controls.
    Hi Steve. Is it possible to have a "Delete as spam" option on visitor messages, like we have on regular posts? Hopefully it would have an option to delete all visitor messages made by that member, and an option to ban and submit data to Anti-Spam Service.
    I agree with Fallen. I didn't notice Until today but my Profile is Bare Again. I dunno if I remember how to get it back the Same way.
    Hey Steve, you forgot to disable the profile costumizations at the DMC forums as well! ;)

    Anyway, I think that most people(including me) want them back! Maybe we should do a poll or something?
    I've had a couple of people come to me about it haha, but I had no idea, so I decided to come ask you :)

    Well you are our leader xD "Steve the Fearless Leader of REN" :lol:
    Hey Steve, I've been asked if I knew why our profiles don't have our customizations anymore, and I didn't...so I decided to ask our fearless leader.
    I know you get this alot but massive props on the website, excellent setup as is, and i'd like to appologize for contributing to the spam games so much to require your intervention lol
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