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  • You said it brother. I've only played REmake once, but it was totally awesome :) I finally got my PS3 controller to work on my pc, and an PS emulator also. If I find my original games I will try to play 1-3 ;)
    Ohh yeah? Awesome man, awesome. :) Hope they enjoyed it as much as I did, even though is was damn almost impossible to research from scratch.

    Ahh totally, I've seen better in a low-budget film but there is something with that intro that takes me back to the old days :)
    Hey man, yeah sure you can "steal" it :p You might want to take the updated one (wich I did just now). Hope you give me more credit then Capcom gave the actors in the end credit ;p Cheers
    Spike! Just stopping by to bug you too. I'm bored. :P

    Oh, and I totally unlocked all the characters/levels in the regular mercenaries! I never thought that was going to happen, haha.
    Aww bummer (well, not for you and your 360 Elite :p). It would have been cool to get online with ya sometime, but i've got a PS3. :confused:
    Hey man what's up? Yeah I'm a bit confused about the Alex Wesker part? Is he an experimental creation from Albert Wesker then?
    Haha yeah - that confuses me from time to time as well. :lol: It is a different shade of pink, though, aha.

    I'm super excited about Revelations! I want to know what's going on between Chris and Jill, gotta be something juicy. It's out next year, right?
    Thank you for your cool words about my cool character! :D

    I think you are right. I won't go solemnly by what other people say and I won't pay attention to what I've read in your previous post! :p

    In fact I am planning of buying one of those games some time and I don't have anything against them! I'm just trying to copy the behaviour of the "hardcore" fans! See for yourself here. :p

    I've switched to profile conversation because it was off-topic! :)
    spike ive only read your message asking if i was from the other reforums.yes i am the one and only weskersbarber
    So far Barry is my 2nd or most favorite TM:R character (The other one is Sheva Fariytale), but when the last one comes out Rebecca is going to be my favorite since she has a instant death attack.

    I also saw what DE looked liked. There is a guy on youtube, and I guess he is in Japan, and he posted an enitre walkthough of DE. It looks awsome and they added some more Executioners, Reapers, Red Executioners, and the annoying s*xual preadtors with the chainsaws. It is a little bit longer than LIN and more fun in my opinion. I think that they even have a bigger weapon selection than LIN due to that I saw a handgun, shotgun, machine gun, magnum, sniper rifle, and a rocket launcher up for grabs in it.
    I played versus recently with Steve and aintnoscrub a few weeks ago and we were kinda of getting into it, but over all it was pretty boring with the 3 of us playing it. There was even one part were I went to sleep with Steve waiting on me to get ready or him just killing me. I just can't wait to actually get it over with and get the last 2 achievements.

    I also can't wait for the last 2 DLCs coming out for RE5. I looked at the whole thing of Desprate Escape and it looks awsome. As for the last 2 mercenaries characters they are good, but Rebecca is the best since her homemade flame thrower can kill anyone in one spray.
    Hi Spike,

    What does the white text say?

    "I know this ..??.. like the bad of my hand" ?
    This is a very very good picture! :cool: Has it to do with RE5?
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