Recent content by Spike991

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  1. Spike991

    Darkside Chronicles Thinking about getting this.

    Is it safe to say you've played RE2, CVX and RE4? It is ideal to have played those prior to playing DSC, to see it's dark interpretation of RE2 in Memories Of A Lost City, the events on Rockfort in CVX in Game Of Oblivion, and the story between Leon and Krauser prior to RE4. DSC is an...
  2. Spike991

    Umbrella Chronicles Talos is impossible

    Well damn. You pretty much got it right there. I always used the TMP on TALOS. It takes his health down real nice. Also, I always have my Striker with me, which is equally effective, especially when he gets his hands on you, and you're right in his face.
  3. Spike991

    Uncategorised Rebecca and Barry

    Oh damn, I meant that I liked your Signature, not your avatar. Not that I dislike your avy, just that your sig is pretty awesome. And try to tell Barry Burton that size doesn't matter.;) Oh yeah, even if he only showed up for just a moment, he'd still make the game. There's just something...
  4. Spike991

    Uncategorised Rebecca and Barry

    Well she's not in Damnation. :) I do hope we see them again. I'd like to see Rebecca and Billy team up once more. Barry for sure. Some way, some how, we need to see him again. BTW nice avy Mr. Burton. But yes, Barry, and I hope he has some funny lines. Even though it was sort of...
  5. Spike991

    Resident Evil 5 anyone want to help me with Desperate Escape on Professional? (PS3 users)

    OMG... I remember playing DE on Pro. Not fun in the least. It doesn't get any better later on either, like when they're shooting those grenade launcher things at you. Expect to be in dying every time. And the final part is just awful. Honestly, Pro in RE5 is ridiculous. Not as bad for LIN.
  6. Spike991

    Dead Aim I like this game!

    I played through DA again recently, it's been awhile. I still very much enjoy the game. Again, Morpheus steals the show. Bruce and Fong Ling are an obvious Leon/Ada ripoff, but that's ok. I do think it's kind of funny how incompetent Umbrella Paris is. I mean, Morpheus and Claire eached...
  7. Spike991

    Outbreak File 2 Whats your opinions on RE: Outbreak File #2?

    I love both of the Outbreak games. They were really confusing and difficult at first, but once you get used to them, they have a lot to offer. Since this is mainly about File#2, I'll talk about that one. I enjoyed it's expansion of Raccoon, the Zoo, Subway, some nice RPD and other locations...
  8. Spike991

    Resident Evil 6 Highest Score In Mercs

    I don't even remember, I lent my RE6 to a buddy. I do remember getting a really high score with Leon on Steel Beast. My first high score! Oh, and I know I got over a Mil in an online duo run. Steal Beast as well I think. Weird, how that happens with the J'avo, when I know I'd rather play...
  9. Spike991

    Revelations 1 Revelations Raid Mode - Hunk Gameplay

    Wow...that looks epic. I have RER on 3DS, but this obviously blows that out of the water. I can't tell what HUNK's melee is. It almost looks like he's using some sort of blunt object, maybe a knife, possibly like the one he uses in Mercs3D. I also wonder about the voices, if they are using...
  10. Spike991

    Darkside Chronicles Should I buy RE:DC HD for PS3?

    I just played me some UC and DSC pretty recently. Enjoyed both, especially UC, much more than I remembered. It's been so long since I've played them. I'm really anxious to play the HD versions though. Are they just exact ports, or do they come with extras, such as a cutscene browser in UC...
  11. Spike991

    Revelations 1 Resident Evil: Revelations Worth

    Ditto. For RER and Mercs3D. And I wouldn't say I regret it, because I used to have a Lite, so I can also play my REDS on my 3DS as well. Overall, it was a nice buy. I would however, much prefer to play RER on console. And I have heard that it's going to be ported anyway, so fingers crossed for...
  12. Spike991

    Resident Evil 6 Albert and William's goal achieve? (Wishful thinking)

    Hmmm, could be. Jill's battlesuit was fine though. haha I like trenchoats, but the one they used was so stupid, I thought. Did I mention that it looks like a cape? Have you ever seen Buffy or Angel? Well the Angel character typically wears a black trenchcoat, and it fits wayyy better and...
  13. Spike991

    Resident Evil 6 Albert and William's goal achieve? (Wishful thinking)

    Oh yeah. It's been far too long.:) His style was always kind of sophisticated and cool, sort of laid back, it was nice. In RE0 you see(in a flashback), him wearing a black turtle-neck with his lab coat. In RE4 you see the black on black turtle neck suit, very classy, his million dollar suit. In...
  14. Spike991

    Resident Evil 6 Albert and William's goal achieve? (Wishful thinking)

    Really? lol I don't haha. But yeah, that would've been cool too, but I'm totally okay with Jake as he is. Yeah, I was pretty against RE5 Wesker, for a long time, and while I still am to an extent, I've learned to appreciate him more. I don't like DC Douglas voicing Wesker, and I don't like...
  15. Spike991

    Operation Raccoon City Anyone Play Still?

    Nah, I'd rather add my opinion about the game and justify why I don't play it, in addition to answering what the topic asked for. ORC blows. @Vector, I love the Big Lewboski!:)