Recent content by A_Wesker123

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  1. A_Wesker123

    Happy birthday A_Wesker123!

    Thanks a lot guys, I had a great day :)
  2. A_Wesker123

    If You Could Change One Thing In Today's World...

    I'm in the UK. We have around a 23% Atheist population, and even the 70% of the population that are 'Christian' seem to be generally apathetic in their practice and devotion compared to those in other countries. Though we do have 26 bishops in our House of Lords, thankfully, they're an...
  3. A_Wesker123

    If You Could Change One Thing In Today's World...

    You're exactly right in thinking I'd agree. I'm just glad I live in a country where religion doesn't have as much power over issues like abortion as it seems to in America.
  4. A_Wesker123

    If You Could Change One Thing In Today's World...

    Came in to say religion. It's the cause of so much conflict that the world would be a much better place without. I'm not saying it's not done some good in the world, but it's archaic and too divisive.
  5. A_Wesker123

    A question?

    Of course the DLC won't be available to someone you sell the game to. DLC saves to your HD, not the game disk.
  6. A_Wesker123

    Piercings... Love em or hate em?

    On ears, sure. Everywhere else though I dislike, and I don't get the obsession some people have with it. Having said that, I know plenty of people that adore them, so maybe I'm a tad strange on this issue :)
  7. A_Wesker123

    My T-Shirt Arrived :)

    My feelings are completely mixed on Capcom. While they do things like La Femme said which are undeniably generous, things like on-disc DLC and action-ising games like RE just to appeal to more people and rake in as much money as they can at the expense of their hardcore fans that have been there...
  8. A_Wesker123

    Versus XIII

    I'm willing to bet it'll end up as a multiplatform release. Given the state Square are reportedly in, they need every bit of income they can generate, and releasing Versus XIII on more than one platform will ensure they maximise the amount they can make. That may be why it's taking so long to...
  9. A_Wesker123

    Things you're good at :D

    I can't play rugby anymore due to a career ending injury caused by a huge prop on the other team falling on my knee. It's a shame because I was, by all acounts, very good at it and was the captain of my team. There's a silver lining though; I now no longer come home every weekend bruised and...
  10. A_Wesker123

    DLC= Disk Locked Content?

    Companies have been doing it for a while. Locking content, then selling unlock codes as DLC because they know people will still buy it. It's usually easy to tell whether it was on the disk from the extremely small download size. Sadly, it's not going to stop until gamers as a whole decide to...
  11. A_Wesker123

    Xbox or Playstation 3

    Go for a 360. The majority of multiplatform games run and/or look better on 360 than on PS3. Skyrim is an extreme example, it was nearly unplayable on my PS3 on release, and games like Red Dead Redemption have more grass and overall better graphics on my 360 than my PS3. These are just two...
  12. A_Wesker123

    its been 2 yrs!

    Been here since April 2008. It's been interesting seeing how the forum's changed over time. Still got the same great community though ;)
  13. A_Wesker123

    Can anyone guess what this is from.

    Hakumen from BlazBlue
  14. A_Wesker123

    Operation Raccoon City Xbox360 exclusive: Nemesis mode

    No, I mean that if there is console exclusive content, then I can just get the game for that console instead of the other and thereby not miss out on extra content. I've a feeling that Microsoft likely payed Capcom a large sum of money to get this exclusive content, in an attempt to sell more...
  15. A_Wesker123

    Operation Raccoon City Xbox360 exclusive: Nemesis mode

    Doesn't sound like it's just timed exclusive content, but permanent, which sucks for PS3 owners. Thank God I own both consoles.