Your Personal RE Game Rankings

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I can see your points Murrdogg - This thread is so interesting to me because everyone has very valid reasons for their personal choices and it all makes sense. Every RE title has SOMETHING going for it and our personal interactions with the game shape our experiences very differently which is interesting in itself. Except for for people who love RE6 above everything else. Those people just made a mistake. haha.

As for the replayability of RE3 versus RE3R, I think both gave value in different ways. I think RE3 original has the edge since the decision making system actually gave you more options leaving me to WANT to play the game a second or third time. RE3R made the game super fun and then added more variety in harder difficulties which added some room to want to play more, but after beating it 6 or 7 times to get the Platinum, I was just super annoyed with it. How many times did I do that hospital attack??? TOO MANY TIMES.

But like I have said in other threads, I think all of the remakes are solid games, but RE2R and RE3R are just not as good as their original counterparts since their focus is more on immediate gameplay and graphical qualities while the originals were about being lost in a stark landscape and surviving. The only remake that completely eclipses the original is the original REmake.
Yes RE Remake completely out classes the Original. It's the only RE game I have no gripes about on any level.
Since I didn't get to grow up on the original RE games, the tank controls and stutter transition for camera angles have to be automatic gripes for me. Just more annoying than scary for someone who didn't grow up on them. I bought the original RE 2 & RE 3 recently, but never finished them mainly for those reasons. Also the voice acting is drastically of different quality.
The Original RE 2 & RE 3 are games I can watch to enjoy but not games I can personally play.
I personally have played RE 1 through RE 3 Remakes more than 20 times each at this point.
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Fighting Nemesis in OG RE3 is quite difficult, even on Easy mode, so it’s no surprise that many people find it frustrating. But that’s the point - Nemesis is supposed to be a nuisance, a constant threat that never stops hunting you. Although most of the encounters in the original were basically the same scripted sequence spawned into random locations, it was still much more immersive compared to the remake where he is just an action set piece without any sense of dread at all. Also, Nemesis in the remake is easily taken down by ONE single handgrenade, which is just pathetic. Where’s the challenge?

RE3 featured a very immersive Raccoon City full of locations to explore, and most of these locations were not even featured in the remake.

Jill in the original was strong, courageous and determined, yet she showed great kindness and understanding of others’ suggestions. That’s what made her a badass. Jill in the remake is a snarky bitch whom rolls her eyes at the sound of someone elses idea. She is shown to be extremely badass for the sake of badassery, and not because of character.
Fighting Nemesis in OG RE3 is quite difficult, even on Easy mode, so it’s no surprise that many people find it frustrating. But that’s the point - Nemesis is supposed to be a nuisance, a constant threat that never stops hunting you. Although most of the encounters in the original were basically the same scripted sequence spawned into random locations, it was still much more immersive compared to the remake where he is just an action set piece without any sense of dread at all. Also, Nemesis in the remake is easily taken down by ONE single handgrenade, which is just pathetic. Where’s the challenge?

RE3 featured a very immersive Raccoon City full of locations to explore, and most of these locations were not even featured in the remake.

Jill in the original was strong, courageous and determined, yet she showed great kindness and understanding of others’ suggestions. That’s what made her a badass. Jill in the remake is a snarky bitch whom rolls her eyes at the sound of someone elses idea. She is shown to be extremely badass for the sake of badassery, and not because of character.
I might still try to finish original RE 3. Nemesis is my favorite enemy in all of RE after all.
Fighting Nemesis in OG RE3 is quite difficult, even on Easy mode, so it’s no surprise that many people find it frustrating. But that’s the point - Nemesis is supposed to be a nuisance, a constant threat that never stops hunting you. Although most of the encounters in the original were basically the same scripted sequence spawned into random locations, it was still much more immersive compared to the remake where he is just an action set piece without any sense of dread at all. Also, Nemesis in the remake is easily taken down by ONE single handgrenade, which is just pathetic. Where’s the challenge?

RE3 featured a very immersive Raccoon City full of locations to explore, and most of these locations were not even featured in the remake.

Jill in the original was strong, courageous and determined, yet she showed great kindness and understanding of others’ suggestions. That’s what made her a badass. Jill in the remake is a snarky bitch whom rolls her eyes at the sound of someone elses idea. She is shown to be extremely badass for the sake of badassery, and not because of character.
True, while i felt the dialogue in the remake are improved, some character looks a bit off and a reduced to joke of they're originale self... I loved jill, sasha zotova likness looks great on her, and i also love sasha passion for the series and for the community, i also liked jill voice actress, but some of her dialogue really sound more stupid than the bland dialogue form the original , like when she fought nemesis most of the time she seems to be annoyed more the scared about him, she's completely take the scare factory out of the game... same problem I had whit Claire in re 2 remake, she get annoyed by birkin and Mr x instead of being scared as hell...
Nicholai was also reduced to a joke, in the original she was a serious and coldless murder, that stop at nothing to complete his mission, in the remake instead he look like a bad cartoon villain and a caricature of his original self, laughing like an idiot, just saying: money money money bla bla and his accent is to much exaggerated...

The only character that benefit from the remake are Carlos and mikhail (and Jill look and redesign), but all the other character including nemesis looks off, and second and third form had maybe the worst design I had ever seen in a videogame
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Here's mine

Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Darkside and Umbrella Chornicles
Resident Evil ORC
Resident Evil 7

Haven't played any of the others
1. Resident Evil 2
2. Resident Evil 1
3. Resident Evil Code Veronica
4. Resident Evil 7
5. Resident Evil 4
6. Resident Evil Revelations 2
7. Resident Evil 3
8. Resident Evil Revelations
8. Resident Evil Zero
10. Resident Evil 5
11. Resident Evil 6
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Everybody in this community can probably agree that Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 weren't the greatest games and Resident Evil Zero I don't remember anything being that good about it except for your partner's AI it is one of the only AI that actually has use the first Resident Evil Revelations I don't like so much but the second one I did mainly because it give more information about Barry someone who is a family man and could make you like even though he had super bad dialogue in the first game Resident Evil 3 wasn't so high for me the main reason is because the Remake kind of short in it and made it a little worse Resident Evil 4 would have been higher if it was more of a scarier game and also if the president's daughter wasn't so annoying Resident Evil 7 I have one of the most respect for 4 bringing horror back into the series and maybe making the series a lot better Resident Evil Code Veronica I liked it so much just to know because Claire had a way bigger role and Claire's not my favorite but at least she's better than Chris everybody has to give credit to Resident Evil because it started it off this amazing franchise and had more of a difficulty than the others Resident Evil 2 will always be my favorite just because it's where I came in to instill it introduced my favorite character Leon Kennedy
I asked two people I know to give me their rankings out of curiosity. Found their different results interesting.

First Person
RE 1
RE 2
RE 3
RE 0
RE 4
RE 7
RE 5
RE 6

Second Person
RE 1
RE 2
RE 3
RE 7
RE 0
RE 5
RE 4
RE 6
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Interesting. Rankings of most of the series from people with love for the original games. It seems their opinions were very close, but not exactly the same. I wish we had our own person ranker so we could see what the overall opinion of these games was.

Outside of personal nostalgia, I wonder what factors in these games would give individuals so close of opinions without being exact. I guess personal opinion is the only major factor when it comes to similar results.
Interesting. Rankings of most of the series from people with love for the original games. It seems their opinions were very close, but not exactly the same. I wish we had our own person ranker so we could see what the overall opinion of these games was.

Outside of personal nostalgia, I wonder what factors in these games would give individuals so close of opinions without being exact. I guess personal opinion is the only major factor when it comes to similar results.
I can provide insight into the two people.

The first person's favorite protagonist is Jill. Nemesis is their favorite monster in the entire series. They aren't into the action oriented RE games, as it doesn't feel genuine as part of the same series. They ranked RE 7 on the low end since Ethan wasn't really an investment for them. They also disliked The Bakers as villains, finding them not scary but more comedic than anything. RE REV ranking low mainly for switching between too many characters & dividing the ficus of the story too much. Would have preferred just keeping to Jill's activities & maybe Chris, if to still switch between characters. They thought Parker flashbacks could have been cutscenes instead of playing through them & wasn't a fan of playing as the comedy characters. They enjoyed the story of REV 2 a lot.

The second person keeps going back to RE Remake more than any other, after initial hype from fresh playing through has worn off. RE 2 they're drawn to since they grew up as a fan of Leon & find Claire's story of helping an innocent child through all this to be compelling, especially as they're a parent themselves these days. RE 3 they enjoy but feel the remake is too linear & a little too action oriented. Oddly, this person used to play RE 4 a lot, until we had a discussion on how it's less of a horror game than many games & it seemed to give a realization where he grew more appreciation for the survival horror RE games. RE 7 was ranked much higher here since they actually liked The Bakers as villains. They only aren't a fan of the boat section of the game. They haven't finished REV 2 yet so they can't place it. They rank RE 0 kinda low primarily for inventory management being less convenient.
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Thats great that you have people you can just talk about Resident Evil with. My gaming friends like RE, but not like I do. haha.

It is a big series with lots of different accounts of taste. Interesting analysis all around I would say!
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I just have one friend whom has played a bunch of different RE games and shares a genuine interest in the series. He is however a big fan of RE4 which is his favorite, and he also enjoyed Revelations, both of which are among my least favorites in the series. On top of that, he sees the film series as a guilty pleasure while I see them as complete rubbish. So yeah, while we don't agree on many things at least both of us didn't think RE7 felt like Resident Evil.
I just have one friend whom has played a bunch of different RE games and shares a genuine interest in the series. He is however a big fan of RE4 which is his favorite, and he also enjoyed Revelations, both of which are among my least favorites in the series. On top of that, he sees the film series as a guilty pleasure while I see them as complete rubbish. So yeah, while we don't agree on many things at least both of us didn't think RE7 felt like Resident Evil.
RE 7 felt like if Rob Zombie made a RE project. RE 4 I play as that one weird departure in the series when I want an action game with some creepiness to it. But it's, by far, the game that I have revisited with the least amount of times.

RE 1-3 I have played over 20+ times each by this point. RE 4, I only played through 4 or 5 times, by comparison. Mainly as a new game plus journey to blow off steam & annihilate things. All the other RE games I ranked I only played through once each. Never having momentum to play through a second time.
I havent seen all of the movies yet, but I still like them. I also hate them. I would like them better is Resident Evil wasnt attached to the name and even then, Id only watch them as a prank.

I have probably played the original RE2 about 15 times and RE4 maybe 10. But other than that, all of my other plays are in the single digits.
The films for me are a guilty pleasure but only because I was so young at the time that the games and movies were all just a blur to me. I didn't question much about them except for their poor representation of the video game characters. Looking back on them, there's a ton that irritates me about these movies, especially the later ones which I only stuck around for because I was already far too invested. They work as zombie movies and while I used to appreciate the nods to the games, the more they pulled from them actually ended up being the worst aspect of the films because of just how wrong they kept getting it. Just like how they shoehorned Sonic into some random James Marden roadtrip movie but made Sonic act like a stupid kid rather than the hero he is from the video games.
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The world just isn't ready for films based on video games yet. But sometimes I really don't understand why every filmmaker that has tried to adapt a video game into a film has failed? I mean, the only truly successful example that we've got in both critical and commerical terms is Detective Pikachu, and that's not really saying much.
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The problem with video game based movies is that every screenwriter wants to create their own specific version of the story that could be. The closest adaptation to a game script I can think of is the original Mortal Kombat - and that movie was not bad.

Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Super Mario Bros, etc. were all produced in an alternate version of the world with EXTREME variations of the source material. I liked all of these movies because they were fun, but what could they have done with these franchise movies if they had stuck to the source material?

I really wish Arklay was moved forward. At least that was a reimagining/alternate storyline that had some essence of RE captured.
I think there is a lot of commonality between your post and a lot of the others... maybe RE6 is ranked a little high in comparison to some other people. And too low for others. But I agree 90%. I think our opinions should change with time. I know mine have!
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I think there is a lot of commonality between your post and a lot of the others... maybe RE6 is ranked a little high in comparison to some other people. And too low for others. But I agree 90%. I think our opinions should change with time. I know mine have!
I think the only thing that has changed about mine is that, as much as I dislike 4, I think OG RE3 is actually even less enjoyable for me. So I would swap RE4 and RE3. Thats about it though lol.
I would have some pretty big changes, but the one that I think is most important to me is that with hindsight, I actually think the original RE REmake is better than REmake 2. And I would put CV up a few slots as well. But I am glad to see my choices stayed pretty solid over the years!