Your Personal RE Game Rankings

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Interesting Tier List Wesker90.

Are you including the Remakes when you are ranking these items or are you referring to the originals?

General rule of thumb is that I must wait 22 months to respond to questions.
1) RE1 -all versions- (except for Dual Shock)
2) RE2 Remake
3) RE3: Nemesis OG
4) RE2 OG
5) Revelations 2
6) CVX
7) RE0
8) RE3 Remake
9) RE7
10) Village
11) Revelations 1
12) RE5
13) RE4
14) RE6

Honorable mentions: 'Dead Aim' and 'Outbreak'.

Dishonorable mentions: 'Umbrella Chronicles' and the Dual Shock version of RE1.

This list will most certainly be slightly outdated in a week as RE4R could perhaps be in the top 5, I'm thinking either before or after 'Revelations 2'.
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I swapped some titles around from 2 years ago but this feels about right for my ranking. Added Resistance, RE:Verse, and RE:4.

May as well update myself.

RE4/R (Equal imo)
Updating after playing Village and also distinguishing between OGs and Remakes.

1. RE2
4. RE8
5. Mercenaries 3D
6. R3make
8. RE
9. RE0
10. RE Rev 2
11. RE7
12. RE6
13. RE Rev
14. RE Outbreak
15. RE5
16. RE 4
17. Darkside Chronicles
17. Umbrella Chronicles
17. Gaiden
17. RE3
Updating to include RE4 remake

1. RE2


3. RE4R


5. RE8

6. Mercenaries 3D

7. R3make


9. RE

10. RE0

11. RE Rev 2

12. RE7

13. RE6

14. RE Rev

15. RE Outbreak

16. RE5

17. RE 4

18. Darkside Chronicles

19. Umbrella Chronicles

20. Gaiden

21. RE3
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Yeah, I feel like my list needs a bit of an update since completing RE4R and since the shiny newness wore off of RE8.
RE5 will probably shoot up my list further if Capcom officially remakes the game and gives it the same treatment they gave RE4R.

1. REmake
2. REmake 2
3. RE Revelations 2
4. RE Code Veronica
5. REmake4
6. REmake 3
7. RE 5
8. RE Village
9. RE 7
10. RE 6
11. RE Revelations
12. RE 0

I still think RE8 was a pleasant surprise for me both in terms of story and gameplay and helped me appreciate RE7 and Ethan’s story more. But its story flaws shine through with each play through.
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RE, RE2, RE3: Nemesis, REmake/REmaster, RE4


Rev 2, RE7: Biohazard, RE2R, RE4R


RE0, RE5, Rev 1, RE3R, RE Village



I want to replay Rev 2 because I haven't played it in years, and so memory might be distorting how much I enjoyed it. I might bump RE4R up to S-tier, but I'm currently debating some gameplay niggles I have when compared to the original.
Updating to include RE4 remake

1. RE2


3. RE4R


5. RE8

6. Mercenaries 3D

7. R3make


9. RE

10. RE0

11. RE Rev 2

12. RE7

13. RE6

14. RE Rev

15. RE Outbreak

16. RE5

17. RE 4

18. Darkside Chronicles

19. Umbrella Chronicles

20. Gaiden

21. RE3
RE3 is so low on your list
Yea because I hated it.

I disliked it at first because it felt like a chaotic jungle, and many people in 1999 in my shoes felt the same way. Coming off of RE1 and RE2, which felt more structured and cohesive really threw many of us off. Add some overgrown dip**** that's extremely difficult to put down and doesn't stay down into the mix you got the biggest WTF moment since Bill Cosby sexual predator scandals.

However, I eventually went back to it, stuck with it, steeled myself through it, learned the games mechanics and the wonderful crafting system and all the little tricks and weaving skills and eventually became the king of that jungle and now it's easily a top pick. The ending theme song is especially wonderful and all the characters feel based and authentic.

Now, about my personal RE4R ranking, it's actually lower than I anticipated simply due to it linear trajectory and it's overt faithfulness to the original, I actually can't decide if I should put it before or after RE0. Now, aside from the lackluster training facility, RE0 has a lot going for it; the train, research laboratory, and the waste disposal are great locations and the experimental co-op gameplay is pretty good. However, it really screwed up RE1's lore and that's reasonably unacceptable and pitting 18 year old Rebecca in that kind of situation does seem a bit odd. The problem here is that RE4 is kinda the same, has some good things going for it but its overall presentation is lukewarm at best.

I guess it's a tie then, RE0 and RE4R both show good promise but their presentations leave much to be desired and you can't really come out of either game feeling sufficiently satiated.
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To each their own but Nemesis and the random nature of OG RE3 are some of the most memorable of the series. As much as I like the other games, they can get boring and stale on subsequent playthroughs. Different enemies can appear and the choices you made through the live selection made it more interesting to play through. This should have been expanded on in RE:3 instead of butchering it into an on-rails Hollywood movie.

Even the recent remakes take inspiration from its ammo crafting system that adds even more replayability if you want to explore all the different ammo types. No other game had explosive handgun/shotgun, or freeze rounds to this day, which is sad.

I really want to try out Lord of the Necropolis during a marathon run.
I haven't played them all, and mostly in recent years, never been much into RE till 7 came out.

1. RE4R
2. RE2R
3. RE8
4. RE7
5. RE4

And all the old ones are dead last. Primarily because of the controls. I'm sorry, but those mindnumbigly stupid controls ruin the entire games for me. I cannot believe any developer in their right mind, even back then, would consider that type of unnecessary clunkiness to be good to implement in their videogame.
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"Because there is totally tons of active RE4 and RE7 fanboy communities on social media and Reddit"

Seems pointless to sh*t on a small parade when there's much bigger ones out there that could accommodate you. Unless they are trolling of course and just want to generate negative feedback for kicks but that kind of (sad, pathetic) behavior doesn't take too long to spot and then ignore until they go away.
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I'll stick up for anyone fairly sharing an opinion and getting chased out of the conversation for it, even if I personally disagree with them. I enjoy hearing what others have to say and considering new perspectives. I wouldn't see the purpose of reading internet discussion boards if I didn't. If I were the kind of person seeking a comfortable forced consensus clique in which the same few people dribbled the same tired viewpoints ad nauseam, I would host and fund it myself. The bandwidth for such a small userbase would surely be very cheap, and I'd feel less embarrassed about uninviting users from a forum I myself paid for and operated than one I didn't.
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