Having just finished Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, I'm working on Ocarina of Time. I'm just playing Zelda games to tide me over until I can get Breath of the Wild
Nice, I heard the classic ones are hard. Are you considering playing Fates or Echoes: Shadows of Valentia when it comes out?Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Really like the characters in that game. All of them are likable in their own way.
Now I just need to try the Classics.
Hell yeah. I plan on getting Echoes without a doubt.Nice, I heard the classic ones are hard. Are you considering playing Fates or Echoes: Shadows of Valentia when it comes out?
Yeah, I get what you mean, on Fates I just played Conquest, but the plot itself judging the 3 games it's so... Open? Also why make 3 games about it, Nintendo? It's pitiful that the option of joining the other kingdom or just stay behind appear but you put "Oh, you don't have this route, buy it on the eShop." Ew.Hell yeah. I plan on getting Echoes without a doubt.
Can't be bothered with Fate's atrocious plot though. Gameplay wise it looks fun. But I can't get into that story or the characters. And having literally what? FIFTHEEN Royals in one game? The hell is that?
Yea BB is harder than any of the souls games imo and Ng+ and beyond is a fairly big step up in difficulty. You can't really play as defensive either since there's really no sheilds, armour with decent defense or spells and stuff. Plus u get ganked at every area pretty much xDI've been playing Bloodborne.
I painstakingly went through the I-don't-know-any-builds-first-time playthrough. I have a new PS4 with several games I'm eager to play, but I wanted to 100% defeat every boss in BB with my awkward character. After weeks, I had narrowed the game down to the final boss and the last boss in the DLC. Frustrated with the DLC, I wanted to go into the final boss room to see how challenging he was in comparison. Just a peek.
I mashed X through the dialogue and watched the boss's intro cutscene play out. He stood and looked at my character, who kneeled. Raising a mighty weapon that I instantly wanted to acquire, he swung and my derpy lil lady fell to the ground minus a head. The game faded to black, and I watched in horror as the end credits rolled. My entire two week endeavor had been brought to a close because I didn't give a **** what Gehrman had to say and tried to skip to the fight. I lost, evil prevailed, and all of the content I had been FEVERISHLY throwing myself at was instantly as out of reach as the day I bought the game.
I am now going through the game a second time on a skill/bloodtinge build; beelining my playthrough towards the Chikage. Dark Souls has never punk'd anyone on this level and I am salty as hell.
Yeah. I thought that was sketchy.Yeah, I get what you mean, on Fates I just played Conquest, but the plot itself judging the 3 games it's so... Open? Also why make 3 games about it, Nintendo? It's pitiful that the option of joining the other kingdom or just stay behind appear but you put "Oh, you don't have this route, buy it on the eShop." Ew.
I still need to platinum that game (and Uncharted 2 and 3 as well for that matter), but I got sucked into the multiplayer. So addicting and I still play it, haha! Have you tried it?Starting another playthrough of Uncharted 4! Is it weird that my favorite parts in this game are where we get to explore Nate and Elena's home?
I haven't tried them, to be honest. I've seen small bits of the series here and there but that's all. Maybe I'll have to look into it. I reckon Kingdom Hearts will be keeping me busy for a good while, though.Have u ever played any of the Final Fantasy games @Jen? Figured if u liked KH, u would prob like the FF games too![]()
I liked Tearaway but I found the controls to be gimmicky and the camera wasn't the best either. But other than I enjoyed it. It's made by the same ppl that made LBP right? It's kinda like LBP but with a third person view instead.I've been itching to play something on my PS4, so I started Tearaway: Unfolded because I thought it would be a quick easy-going platformer, which would have been perfect after playing something like Breath of the Wild. However, I couldn't bring myself to finish it. It had a very slow start and just when it starts to pick up, it slows right back down. It's a real shame too, because there's a lot of great stuff here and I absolutely love how it makes great use of the controller's unique features. You're often asked to draw something on the touch pad, shine the controller's light onto the screen, and can even throw things into the controller and actually hear noises and feel stuff clanking around in the controller. Unfortunately, there's just way too much filler in-between those great and unique moments. I wouldn't mind giving the game another shot on the Vita as I hear it doesn't have all the added filler the PS4 version has, though, I could never justify purchasing a Vita. This is the perfect example of where less is definitely more.
Anyway, after being let down by Tearaway, I decided to finally start Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and I couldn't be anymore pleased with it. Now here's a game that doesn't waste any time and gets straight to the point. It's a lot more fast paced and challenging than your typical side-scrolling Mario game and the creativity and secrets put into each level is just astounding. I really enjoyed the first one on the Wii and I'm ashamed it took me so long to get to this one. I hope Retro never stops making these games.
I liked Tearaway but I found the controls to be gimmicky and the camera wasn't the best either. But other than I enjoyed it. It's made by the same ppl that made LBP right? It's kinda like LBP but with a third person view instead.