What's everybody playing?

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black 93

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
Haven't posted anything in a while and since there's not been any Resident Evil news since origins collection, just thought id post a random thread about what games everyone's into at the minute. I'v been playing a lot of Resident Evil remake on ps4, FINALLY got the plat( happy days), been playing a lot of Uncharted the Nathan Drake collection (great collection of games) and iv just wrapped up the last of the Batman dlc (season of infamy) and i have to say overall that game was amazing, was great to see Killer croc back. Still wanna try Bloodborne and assasins creed syndicate (soley for the Jack the Ripper dlc). Im actually debating Umbrella Corps, i initially wasn't interested at first but it looks pretty fun. Hopefully 2016 will bring us Resident Evil 7 but we'll have to see. I don't want the RE2 remake until at least 2017, considering Capcom only started it in the summer. Im more than happy to wait a while for that if it means they make it amazing. That's pretty much it for me, the rest of the big games out at the minute like Star Wars battlefront snd black ops 3 don't really interest me.
To hype myself up for the upcoming Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, I decided to pop in my copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut and plough through the whole game in roughly a day. And holy crap, is it fun. And good, really good. Still as much fun as the first time I played it at launch in 2011.
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I'm playing Silent Hill 1 right now.My attempt is to replay every main game in the series.When I'm finished with it I'll switch to replay Resident Evil.
At the moment, I've been playing Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Definitely enjoying the current gen version a whole lot more in comparison to the last gen which I originally played. Also been having a solo Legendary run of Halo 4 in the background as well as the Borderlands 2 DLC.
To hype myself up for the upcoming Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, I decided to pop in my of Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut and plough through the whole game in roughly a day. And holy crap, is it fun. And good, really good. Still as much fun as the first time I played it at launch in 2011.

That game DE:HR is great as it been one of mine 2011 GOTY, well also hyped for DE:MD propably in next year getting this as CE version.

On topic now: Im playing exacly DMC 4 and well now RE 5.
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I haven't been playing much lately because I've either been in school or wasting time online >.> xD

I have been playing a little Syndicate when I have time and a few Black Ops III rounds. Funny because I haven't played a CoD game since 2009 or something and I don't really care for the series at all but..... this one is great. It's a good shooter and doesn't feel like CoD at all. So don't judge me xD
So far, I'm finishing up RE: HD Remaster, and I'm also playing some DMC4: Special Edition. Great games, both of them.

Both good games indeed. DMC4 is so underrated though >.< Great boss fights, but I agree that some of the complaints are warranted. The second half of the game is the first half backwards but with Dante (for the most part until you switch back to Nero) because Nero couldn't kill the Demons -_- Dante FTW!

If you haven't played the new DmC game! DO IT! I prefer Dante with white hair but he still looks good here. He's young and there is no doubt that he is Dante! It does an amazing job as a prequel to the series and the twist that you already KNOW is coming, still gets you :P
Got Splatoon and Super Mario Maker for Christmas so I've been trying them out. Both very fun games. Mario Maker has endless possiblities when it comes to creativity and the amount of levels you can play are practically infinite. Splatoon is one of the more unique games I've played and I can totally see it being an important IP in the future. I can't recommend either game enough. If you're a Nintendo fan then both games are worth checking out.
Rainbow Six: Siege. I've never enjoyed a realistic shooter before but this is, to put it mildly, the bee's knees.

I got it almost a week ago and have played whenever I can. Like, every spare second. Most games don't inspire this kind of compulsion (though Dark Souls II did very recently until I beat it six times). Still, despite a stroke of good luck recently, most games don't grab me that way any more. This really feels like something special. And it's an incredibly fun team-based game to play online with friends.
Dragon Age: Inquisition. I haven't played the older games but I have to say that I'm officially a fan. Once I get back home tomorrow, I'll be playing Fallout 4 since my cousin left his PS4 with me for the week. I played it before I left home Monday and I spent most of my time fortifying Sanctuary LOL.
I got some $25 in Microsoft Points for Christmas, so I decided to break my own rule about Season Passes and download the Season Pass for The Evil Within. (Thirty bucks for all three DLC campaigns, or twenty bucks for the Season Pass? Hmm...)
So far, it's pretty good. The Keeper is a weird concept, but The Assignment is good spooky fun. I haven't played The Consequence yet, since it's part 2 of Kidman's story.
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