I stopped watching the series after finding out that THAT thing is HIM.
Watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 3 episode 7
Did you watch every episode in the series up to that? Oh man! Season 3 is great. I'm guessing that you are referring to "Lash"? Not really a spoiler to call HIM by that name

I swear to god that they (not really) kidnapped Hideo Kojima to write Episode 17 of Season 3. Seriously... WHAT THE ****?! One of, if not the best episode in the series.
Just a little tip. Pay attention to Lincoln from here on out, he grows a lot in this season. I'm 99% sure that he's the main hero of this season and will be the main hero from now, until the season finale. Technically an interview kind of confirmed my theory. He's gonna whoop a traitor's ass (Inside-man). YOU CAN'T TURN HIM TO THE DARKSIDE OF THE FORCE!

Just look at this glorious mother ****er. JUST LOOK AT HIM!!! He doesn't even need to move to kick your ass and **** your bitch.

Yeah... Season 3 actually has a bad guy more powerful than other villain we've seen in the MCU to date, other than Thano's of course. Lincoln is also in league with half the avengers in the films, as is Daisy and... well a couple of them

Fun fact. I don't want to spoil anything but....
This episode came out right after Luke Mitchell's (Lincoln's) 31st birthday! Of course this episode was also Lincoln's worst day in his entire life LOL irl he's probably the nicest guy on the show along with Brett Dalton (Ward). Those guys literally just give free hugs to give free hugs. They seem to be very touchy feely people

Yes I'm a huuuge MCU fan :3
PS. Lincoln had a bad day because

Shiiiiit.... I should stop trolling you, and yes I am TROLLING YOU! And soon. You the show will troll you. :3