Apologies for not being on the forums much over the last few months, kinda been all over the place lately. I have managed to watch a few films over that time though, so, in no particular order:
As for this year, there's only two films that are gonna be occupying my schedule so far: Black Panther and Infinity War. Anybody else looking forward to them?
- Loved Thor Ragnarock, easily not just the funniest Thor movie, but also the funniest Marvel movie (which is no mean feat considering how funny GotG was).
- Watched Justice League, I enjoyed parts of it (mainly the fight scenes and Flash), but overall, just as crappy as we were all expecting it to be
and OH, DEAR GOD, WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED TO HENRY CAVILLS LIP, THAT S*** IS THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES!!- Saw The Last Jedi, enjoyed it, it even managed to hit me in the feels a couple of times, but it did feel a little too long, and definitely dragged a bit, mostly during the casino scenes.
I rarely watch movies as of late but i am definitely looking forward to this