I just got back from Spider-Man: Homecoming last night. As a movie, it's probably the most fun I've had in the theater since The Dark Knight, but I can understand people's frustrations with changing characters.
Really glad you enjoyed it, but yeah I'm pretty ****ed over what they did the Spider-Man's character. Even Kevin Feige isn't sure if he has Spidey Sense or if Karen is the source of his spidey sense. He said he thinks he has it but "thinks" isn't good enough when there is no evidence he does have it. His only power is the ability to crawl lol. I won't be surprised if we see some inconsistency's in the future with Sony. Sony also has a vision for their own films and it sounds like they might get it right this time. Pretty excited for those, and they will cross over to some extent. Guessing certain aspects Marvel won't recognize thanks to at least one of those films receiving an "R" rating which doesn't fly by them.
Was anyone else bothers that Spider-Man lost to both of the antagonist? Shocker cheaply whooped his ass like a bitch and Vulture defeated him in the end fair and square in the end and I don't recall Spider-Man landing a blow on him (a few webs but nothing major). Vulture's suit exploding was the only thing that ended that fight and good ole Peter saved him. He definitely earned his respect but I'm disappointed that the only challenge Spider-Man over came was the elevator in the Washington Monument. Iron-Man had to save all the people on the ship and act all "Peter, you're a ****ing noob!" in a scene that was quite similar to the Subway train scene in Spider-Man 2 which was even a bigger challenge since Doc Oct was fighting him at the same time. Could you imagine how people would feel if something like that happened then? Damn, I'm all for heroes gathering their bearings but he got his ass whooped by two of the weakest villains in Spider-Man's catalogues. The Netflix Daredevil show and even Ironfist does a great job at showing a heroes weakness and gaining their bearings. Both The Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 1 did a great job as well.
Don't even get me started on Shocker. Who is probably one of my favorite villains out of the "Low tier" villains, just behind
Scorpion who's coming mofo's