What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I also wanted to share this article. http://gamerant.com/mass-effect-remasters-not-happening-831/undefined

I'm really happy with EA on making this decision and grown more respect for them. I'd much rather have new experiences. A remaster is okay if it gets an upgrade, but a lot of the "ports" of a last gen game to this gen is just a marketing gimmick that gamers fall for. It's great for people that didn't own that system but it's not like it's an HD remaster or remake. If you want to play the game, just play the game. Resources are better spent elsewhere to create new and innovative experiences for a gamer.

I have no idea why people believed BioWare was ever working on a remastered (port) version of the Mass Effect series. That idea was just ludicrous and just unbelievable beyond reasoning. They are so hyper focused on the new IP along with Andromeda that there is no room for it. I would believe that it could have been outsourced to another company much like Mass Effect 3 Wii U was done by "Straight Right" but definitely not BioWare themselves. I really can't wait for the new IP to revealed. It's been in development for over 4 to 5 years and it's going to be epic.

R.I.P Brad. I always had a great time working on music together.

Oh no... what happened? :'(
Which why is that?

Only the one that I quoted. ;)

Altitude: Himalaya was a poor example, instead let's say you spent your vacation in orbit, on a space station or in a high flying plane. Gravity is weaker there, you'll age slower because gravity affects time. Or was it the opposite? I'm quite sleepy, I could need to travel back in time one hour.

It's the other way around: Gravity slows down time, so moving away from a planet would actually cause you to age faster in comparison to the people who stay on it. On a planet as small as the Earth, it wouldn't make a noticeable difference in millions of years, as even the Earth's core is estimated to be only 2.5 years younger than the rest of the planet, despite the planet being roughly four billion years old. In my example with the planet orbiting the black hole, I was assuming that being on a high mountain would bring you closer to the black hole, which is the object causing the time dilation, not so much the planet itself. In fact, gravity in a black hole is so strong that time is said to stop completely - not that anyone could verify that, of course.

But gravity isn't the only force that affects time, speed is another. Your plane wouldn't necessarily need to fly high to affect your personal time, as long as it flies fast. That probably explains why in the twin paradox (the story of one twin staying on Earth while the other makes a journey into space), the one who stays on Earth ends up being older, even though it should actually be the other way around; the twin making the journey would need a very speedy rocket to escape Earth's gravity in the first place. But that is a riddle I'm still trying to solve myself.

OK, I thought I had gorilla fur on my forearms and legs, but not after seeing that picture. Hel, didn't that picture turn you on? :P

Yeah, totally! I don't even know where to put my new horns. :P

R.I.P Brad. I always had a great time working on music together.

My condolences! I don't know who Brad is/was, but may he rest in peace.
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See, this is the stage I like to keep my beard at.


Short yet still visible enough (although maybe not so much in the photo because of the lighting, I had to post process it a bit, but I feel it didn't help as much as I wanted), it doesn't itch nor annoy me when I sleep. But of course I always end up letting it grow way past it, till I reach the tolerance limit. LOL because laziness.

Anyway, going back to city life is tough, man. After enjoying an entire month in my home town, where I'm nearer to the sea and it's cooler, I'm having a hard time re-adapting to the big city's smokes and hotter air. It's hot as hell (literally) here, holy crap.
Waaaaaiiiit.... people don't know about Cygnus X-1 and have the balls to speak the word "Black hole"? It was discovered in the 60's but at the time black holes were theories, I think. They were factual by the 90's at the very latest. I knew about Cygnus when I was in grade 2 :P It's famous enough that even the band "Rush" wrote 2 albums in the 70's influenced by it and there's apparently a German trance band I've never heard of named after it. The binary star system was discovered through x-rays and the funny thing is that Stephan Hawking receded his bet on the start system. He believed that there wasn't a black hole involved and he was very, very wrong. I honestly don't even know how Hawking's didn't believe it upon it's discovery, perhaps he had disbelief on the black hole concept and did not believe they existed and seeked other answers.
I could have seen it and forgot about it. I've seen so many amazing pictures on TV.

But I read a little about Cygnus, Hawking and the other guy yesterday. Hawking was not wrong, he predicted there would be a black hole in the Cygnus region but had no proof. His bet against a black hole there was an insurance of sorts, in case he was wrong. If it turned out to not be a black hole in the Cygnus region, all his efforts would have been wasted, but at least he would get 4 years subscription on the magazine Private Eye as consolation. If it could be proven that he was right about the black hole, his mate would win the bet and Hawking would have to give him a 1 year subscription on Penthouse.
Hawking hoped to lose the bet, and now it seems pretty certain that he did lose it, but I don't know if the evidence for a black hole is so strong that there has been declared a winner of the bet yet. The interview I read is a few years old and I don't have updated info.

It's the other way around: Gravity slows down time, so moving away from a planet would actually cause you to age faster in comparison to the people who stay on it. On a planet as small as the Earth, it wouldn't make a noticeable difference in millions of years, as even the Earth's core is estimated to be only 2.5 years younger than the rest of the planet, despite the planet being roughly four billion years old. In my example with the planet orbiting the black hole, I was assuming that being on a high mountain would bring you closer to the black hole, which is the object causing the time dilation, not so much the planet itself. In fact, gravity in a black hole is so strong that time is said to stop completely - not that anyone could verify that, of course.

But gravity isn't the only force that affects time, speed is another. Your plane wouldn't necessarily need to fly high to affect your personal time, as long as it flies fast. That probably explains why in the twin paradox (the story of one twin staying on Earth while the other makes a journey into space), the one who stays on Earth ends up being older, even though it should actually be the other way around; the twin making the journey would need a very speedy rocket to escape Earth's gravity in the first place. But that is a riddle I'm still trying to solve myself.
You are right. I should know, I posted about this a few pages back here, but I was beyond sleepy yesterday. I mixed the effects of speed with the effects of gravity.

Thanks everyone. He was a friend of mine that I knew for a long time.
I'm sorry for your loss, Maddy. *hugs*
SO my boss has finally hired me FT (was just PT before) AND I've been asked to serve on the Board of Directors for a local women's shelter. On top of that I've gotten laid twice this week.

Woo hoo. All things considered my week hasn't been so bad. :D
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SO my boss has finally hired me FT (was just PT before) AND I've been asked to serve on the Board of Directors for a local women's shelter. On top of that I've gotten laid twice this week.

Woo hoo. All things considered my week hasn't been so bad. :D
FT and PT? You were a Past Teller and now you are a Future Teller? You are moving in the right direction, good job. :D :p

Twice this week, and you are not even married! What is this! What would your parents say? It says in the Bible... something... I can't recite but I know it's th brb my pimp is calling
Oh another one. He'll be gone in about two weeks I think. People who decide to learn martial arts because of Dragon Ball never last long. He'll give up when he'll realize that he can't learn Kamehameha (or whatever it's spelled) and that he actually has to work his ass off instead of spending two minutes in a room throwing a couple kicks in the air.
They go back to school on Wednesday. Just have to keep my cool until then.

Where's my wine...?
Enjoying the company of my new kitten. He is so damn adorable! He's a little orange & white tabby. I want to name him Alistair but I'm not quite sure yet..

My stepdad surprised me with him a couple of mornings ago. I was so shocked. After Pepper passed away he said it would be a long time before we would have another cat again. I wonder what changed his mind..
Ya know. I was kinda hoping I would stop being depressed and all that. I was actually in a good mood for a week. Quite the record if I say so.

But no. Wondering if anything is worth it is such a tiring thought that I'd like to let go. But I can't blame anyone but myself for not being able to properly communicate with people and thus spend hours alone just thinking about the very thing I don't wish to.

Living in a web of lies has changed me drastically so. I don't even know how I am, let alone who I used to be. Nothing more than a walking corpse. I suppose taking solace in the little communities that I've grown attached to do take some of the burden off.

But even so.
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Wow, my dad looked up a resort he was at for a business meeting 17 years ago, and it's abandoned now. I find abandoned places fascinating already, but the fact that my dad was there just makes it even cooler.
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