Well... Fortunately I don't live in the jungle, so most men I come across don't have gorilla fur.

I know they exist, with hair on their backs and all, but I think it's safe to assume that it's not very common. If it ever does become common, then yeah, get rid of the back hair too!
Face, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, hips, groin, all the private parts, thighs, knees, legs, ankles, feet, toes, shoulders, arm pits, upper arms, forearms, wrists, hands, fingers. That sums up most of the body, and all parts have more or less hair, even on girls.
I'm semi-furred most places (not my back fortunately), I even got some hair on my fingers lol (but not nearly as much as hobbits). There is a tick layer of hair on most of me, but my back, ribs and shoulders, plus a few other small areas has no visible hair. It is rumored that there was a werewolf somewhere in my family line, but it's so long ago that no official records or other proof of it has survived.
So if I shave my chest, plus the 2-3 hairs that's on my back you'd say I'm presentable? Or do I have to shave all of me?
No way I'm going to shave myself from my toes and up with a razor, it'll take too long. But maybe I could use duct tape.
I was going to say I don't want beards either, but experience tells me that it completely depends on the size of the beard and, most importantly, the person sporting it. Here's an example of how to do it, and how not to:
YES please => https://abload.de/img/hook3y9q7r.jpg
NO thanks => https://abload.de/img/schrecklicherbartlfras.jpg
Nice, at least one place where I score a point.
First of all, please explain what "mowing" means. I know five methods of getting rid of unwanted hair: shaving, waxing, epilating, lasering, and applying an ointment that makes them fall out. But what exactly is mowing?
You know many more methods of getting rid of hair than I know of, but maybe I know a way that you don't:
Philips makes some heavy duty shavers with petrol engines that they call beard mowers? No, I just used the word "mow" because technically it's a similar principle as with mowing a lawn, just on a somewhat smaller scale. And it's funny.