I'm thinking about commiting murder. I almost whooped someone's ass a minute ago....stupid racist bastard.
What's your Fave Angel ? I'm a good old fashioned cola bottle guy, with a liking for the foam+jelly hearts.HARIBO HARIBO HARIBO! I really want some now.
How do you deal with the foamy eggs ? do you just go for it, or do you bite the yellow bit off first ?Oh gosh, I love the foam jellies the best - and anything in the tangy mix you can get. I do like cola bottles, but prefer the fizzy ones over plain. I ate four large packs of Star Mix before sitting down in the cinema to watch Batman Begins - coupled with a HUGE bag of Flying Saucers, I was completely wired throughout the whole film and ever so slightly freaked out by everything I heard and saw, whether it was on screen or not.
I think I ought to stay out of discussions in future. I just can't keep up with certain trains of thought that have left the tracks and are currently taking in the scenery on a completely different route. Talk about taking things WAY out of context - how can you argue against imaginary information?
Am I really unlucky in love, or do I just have these weird, idealized standards that no one can live up to?