What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I hear you. Are you currently in this job that you don't enjoy, or was it a previous one?

Also - perhaps try volunteering? I got my current job through volunteering... my boss never saw a resume, just hired me after I volunteered for a few months. It's a good way to get your foot in the door at a non-profit or something like that. :)

This was mainly at my last job- gotta love the serving industry.
My current job I enjoy for the most part, though in terms of getting ahead I know I have competition. A group of 9 ladies working together and I am considered one of the younger ones and the only one who is not married with children. My manager, who makes sure to blame her bluntness and awkward statements on the fact that she is European, has made a few comments in the beginning about how she can't figure out how to relate to me. Of course I've learned that it's not just me that she makes feel awkward so maybe there's a chance for me yet! Thankfully she's into Star Wars so now we talk about that. lol

Volunteering/interning is definitely a good idea and one that I need to try but it's so hard with a fulltime job. I think once I get to a certain place financially I'll feel comfortable at least going to part-time and then pursuing something like that. I'm gonna miss the larger pay checks but at least the benefits will still be there.
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There are interviewing tricks? Man how dirty. :surprised: I guess I'm naive, but I haven't been in many interviews.

My bro told me if i wanted to work at the same building he was at Dell in 2004 and i was like ¨hell yeah!¨ xD So i took the train to southern France to do the interview. In the morning i get there and i meet all this people near the entrance that where there for similar positions. First i had a 30 minute talk with a human resource lady that speaked English with a strong french accent and i did not understood jack of what she was saying so after that i was just answering ¨yeah¨ ¨oh yeah¨ ¨Ok¨ xD Then i went into an office with a from Cuba, he was operations director or soemthing like that, dude was funny as hell as he was checking my skills at the same time so to speak, very smart guy. Then i went with the last person i had to convince and this one crushed me lol. Later when i went outside, all this candidates i was hanging out with got the jobs! I was sooo F bumped down it was an abyss :lol: Two days later i learned my bro set me up so that i could see what a real interview was all about xD xD xD

I hear you. Are you currently in this job that you don't enjoy, or was it a previous one?

Also - perhaps try volunteering? I got my current job through volunteering... my boss never saw a resume, just hired me after I volunteered for a few months. It's a good way to get your foot in the door at a non-profit or something like that. :)

Wut? : o The rewards of the good will :smile:

This was mainly at my last job- gotta love the serving industry.

My manager, who makes sure to blame her bluntness and awkward statements on the fact that she is European, has made a few comments in the beginning about how she can't figure out how to relate to me. Of course I've learned that it's not just me that she makes feel awkward so maybe there's a chance for me yet! Thankfully she's into Star Wars so now we talk about that. lol

xD Where´s she from?
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That moment when you open your statement from the Student Loans Company, view your massive debt, smile and say 'that's nice' before throwing it away and forgetting about it til next year. :lol:

So glad I don't watch Supergirl anymore. From what I've just learned, they've thrown way too much drama in that show. I mean I understand that people think drama is good and interesting but overdoing it is real.
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They've been doing that with many shows, unfortunately. There's a very vocal part of the Arrow fandom complaining about how relationship drama ruins the show, and although they're a little overdramatic in some regards, I can't help agreeing with them in others...
They've been doing that with many shows, unfortunately. There's a very vocal part of the Arrow fandom complaining about how relationship drama ruins the show, and although they're a little overdramatic in some regards, I can't help agreeing with them in others...

I think what's really been hurting the show more than the forced romance is the side kicks. This show isn't just Arrow anymore. There's so many characters who serve no other purpose than to just be there. Diggle used to be the guy with guns but now we have Wild Dog. Felicity was the tech genius, now there's Curtis.

Why have so many characters do the same thing? I really miss when the show was just about Green Arrow and him trying to juggle his family and social life with his vigilantism.

The Queen name legacy and history was such an important and interesting part of the show and brought drama that felt more meaningful than romance. His family life, his social life, his professional life, and his life as Arrow used to all be important elements of the show, and now everything feels cheap as most of it is just ignored or covered. They killed his mom, they killed his friend, Thea is useless, they even killed Laurel instead of Quintin, who has done nothing of interest since Laurel died, and they even killed his goddamn company.

All this show is now, is a bunch of people in leather who cover for and aid Oliver, while Oliver is struggling with romance and some forced bull**** kid troubles. Oliver went from badass who takes charge and usually knows best, to a soft spoken please do this, guy.

I still enjoy the show, but damn I have certainly noticed how much it has changed and not exactly for the best. Lately, when I watch this and The Flash, I just can't help but notice how much the stupid teenage romance drama and team dynamics really hurt these shows compared to something like Gotham that doesn't rely on either of those things.
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I never watched Gotham, so I can't compare, but yes, I would prefer the show to focus more on what it's supposed to be about, fleshing out the characters it already has, rather than throwing so many pointless new faces into the mix, butchering the story with their drama, and seasoning everything with romantic subplots. I never liked Laurel much, but killing off the Lance sisters just to bring them back in some capacity half a season later has become a running gag that isn't even funny anymore, fans who used to love Felicity hate her now because her relationship with Oliver tends to overshadow everything more interesting that is going on, and yes, that Wild Dog guy, male Felicity and the new Canary are basically just copies of characters we already had, some of which are still alive and supporting the team. Resident Evil vibes, anyone?

And they don't even play a huge part anyway - granted, I'm only on the third episode of season 6 so far, no idea what the future may hold, but I'd say Oliver being investigated by the CIA (or whoever that black chick is working for) while also being the mayor and having to take care of the son of his b*tch, possibly passing on his Arrow identity to Diggle, who still hasn't recovered from the island explosion and is fighting his own demons, is enough to keep the show running. Other than Bland Canary trying to get Diggle to talk to Oliver about his problems (a role that Thea could easily have filled as well), I have yet to see any of the sidekicks do something useful this season.

Also, am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous that basically everyone survived the island explosion? Seems like they really wanted a shocker at the end of the fifth season, but didn't have the balls to make something of it. Yes, Diggle is hurt, Thea is apparently in a coma, and the least important person died, but... come on. Don't do something like that when you know you're not going to pull it off properly.
I think what's really been hurting the show more than the forced romance is the side kicks. This show isn't just Arrow anymore. There's so many characters who serve no other purpose than to just be there. Diggle used to be the guy with guns but now we have Wild Dog. Felicity was the tech genius, now there's Curtis.

this is why I like the Sherlock Holmes books (don't like the idea of the show. modern Holmes ...bleggh)' It's just Holmes, Watson and mrs Hudson. every other character is there for the case on hand only.
I guess I just don't understand why. I mean I know relationships aren't perfect but NO ONE is even trying to model a long standing relationship anymore. Relationships that were supposedly strong as a rock and meant to be together have been broken by needless drama. I mean I'm not saying that everyone doesn't have their problems, or that every fictional couple should stay together but there has to be at least ONE couple out there that makes it.
I mean comic-couples that have been going on since the sixties have even been thrown to the wayside after the insertion of needless and pointless drama.

Every relationship doesn't have to last, that would be unrealistic, but in that same vein every relationship doesn't fail either.
I guess I just don't understand why. I mean I know relationships aren't perfect but NO ONE is even trying to model a long standing relationship anymore. Relationships that were supposedly strong as a rock and meant to be together have been broken by needless drama. I mean I'm not saying that everyone doesn't have their problems, or that every fictional couple should stay together but there has to be at least ONE couple out there that makes it.
I mean comic-couples that have been going on since the sixties have even been thrown to the wayside after the insertion of needless and pointless drama.

Every relationship doesn't have to last, that would be unrealistic, but in that same vein every relationship doesn't fail either.

I applied for a job in December and went for an interview, but was told I was unsuccessful. Since my friend and her boyfriend both worked there, they told me that I did well in the interview, and that I was a reserve for if a position became available.

Last night I got a phone call - a position has opened and they're offering me the job, and I'm hopefully starting on the 19th of February!!

Yay - no more retail work!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Can't wait for Friday: Monster Hunter: World. Beta reception has been fantastic and early reviews (granted, there's not a lot of em up thus far because it's embargoed) say it's one of, if not the best game in the iconic series (let's face it, MH might be the only thing Capcom has going for it at this juncture). It's got no shortage of content, either: it's 50-60 hours long. By the looks of it, it looks like it has infinite replay value, played either single-player or online.

Capcom games with a budget look good, who knew?
So not sure if anyone on here has played Ghost Recon but they did a really cool (and temporary) mission for the game involving the Predator from the movie Predator. I just watched a gameplay of it by TheRadBrad (anyone else love watching his videos? He has a great voice and personality) and it was actually really cool looking! They really need to consider making a full blown- preferably open world- Predator game.

After seeing this it makes me want them to do something similar with Red Dead Redemption 2. How badass would that mission be? I’ve been wanting a western style Predator anything for a very long time now.
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