What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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CT: Why do I always feel more mentally motivated at ridiculous times at night, when I feel sleepy at the same time?
I know right! The difference between me and a 7 year old who gets more energy the more tired he is and the later it is, is that my parents have stopped pushing me to bed. It sounds like I'm not alone. :p

Just read on a Swedish news site, two men used an axe to break through a front door. The man who lived there was in the shower, heard the loud cracks and headed for the door. As their attacks made a big enough hole, one of them put his head through the opening and shouted:
The frightened man unlocked the door and burst out, managed to get past the attackers and ran out - still naked and wet - to get help.

The attackers went in and smashed the apartment. They were found and arrested later the same day. I understand this must have happened a while back, because they have now been in court.
One of them got a suspended sentence and has to do community service, the other one was sentenced 6 months prison.

What the Hell is wrong with people??

The article is in Swedish, but there are a few photos:
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It's so annoying when you paint your nails and then get an itch. Especially if it's on your head and your hair could wreck your nails...
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Reactions: Romero
^ LOL. Go ahead and use your nails. Any color spots in your hair will just be funny for us. :P
I managed without my nails, fortunately. It's a good thing too - I don't think dark purple would go well with my hair colour. ;P
CT: This week I got a visit from a mechanic who was supposed to check on the heater. The guy was, like, 20 or something, and just as he was about to leave, he asked for my number. What is it with me and those young guys? The next time a teenager hits on me, I'm going to reply with a song:

But the whole thing gave me an idea. I'm planning to get Rise of the Tomb Raider on the Steam Summer Sale today, but I'm probably going to need a new videocard because my current one is light years away from the game's minimum requirements. So when I go to buy a new one tomorrow, I'll put on my most revealing top (it's summer after all), apply some make-up and make sure my hair sits for once, just so the computer shop assistant wonders in what alternative universe a tarted up chick like that plays videogames.

Childish? Yeah, totally. But since I keep getting mistaken for a child anyway, I might as well have some fun with it. I'll let you know if he asked for my number.
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Seeing what those little spoiled kids who call themselves gamers cry and whine about how Capcom ruined resident evil by ripping off other games. Makes me see Capcom as Maximus

Oh I'm entertained. Capcom didn't rip anyone off. Look at the development dates xD Guess who both showed off thr concept of their games at the same E3 on the same year xD

What's even more entertaining is that these spoiled kids who call themselves fans deny to even acknowledge this fact.
Resident Evil fanboys right now.
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Reactions: Airaku
Oh I'm entertained. Capcom didn't rip anyone off. Look at the development dates xD Guess who both showed off thr concept of their games at the same E3 on the same year xD

What's even more entertaining is that these spoiled kids who call themselves fans deny to even acknowledge this fact.

Something that really annoys me is that people are saying Capcom is ripping off other games, when really, Capcom is using old ideas they never got to use, ideas that they thought up before all these games. These games didn't rip off Capcom, and I haven't seen anybody say they have. Yet when Capcom decides to try again with their old ideas, which they've done before, people say they're just copying other games.
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Reactions: Airaku
Something that really annoys me is that people are saying Capcom is ripping off other games, when really, Capcom is using old ideas they never got to use, ideas that they thought up before all these games. These games didn't rip off Capcom, and I haven't seen anybody say they have. Yet when Capcom decides to try again with their old ideas, which they've done before, people say they're just copying other games.

This is very true. Though Gears of War was very much influenced by Resident Evil 4. It's creator Cliffy B. has even stated this. Haaaa he even asked Capcom if he could make Resident Evil 7 because 6 ****ed him off. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Cliffy-B-Offers-Capcom-Help-Resident-Evil-7-48744.html He had some other more in depths things to say around the games release if I remember correctly.

Also the Mass Effect games are also influenced by the series. ME2's gunplay mechanics were done through intensive studies of RE4. They even had a mission with B.O.W.'s in ME3 where Cerberus is experimenting on life forms, including humans if I recall correctly.
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Okay, here's the update on my visit to the computer shop: The guy didn't hit on me (he was old and wearing a ring on his finger, that's probably why), the videocard I bought doesn't seem to be compatible with my PC (but don't worry, I can return it), but... now comes the unbelievable part... I still tried with my old videocard, and it works!


My ancient AMD Radeon HD 5570 can run Rise of the Tomb Raider with no lag. Of course I turned off a few special effects and lowered the overall graphics quality in advance, but this is unbelievable! Either that, or the minimum requirements for this game were just way exaggerated. Anyway, have a good time, guys! You probably won't be seeing me again until I'm done with this game... :*
Don't you hate it when you really like a guy, he talks some good ****, you have sex and then it's like the whole mood changes? And then it's a big pity party like: will I ever find someone to just love and accept me?

This is where things go south, Shannon you never should have let your guard down. This is why you have a guard in the first place.

And then you beat yourself up because you're just a big idiot who really should have known better and, probably, deep inside did know better you just ignored it.