What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Still gutted about France beating Ireland in the Euros yesterday :( Ah well, we played really well it was a great match anyway.
It's uncommon to give tips in Norway, with some exceptions. At more expensive restaurants it's common that customers leave some tips, but it's not rude to not tip. I give tip only if the service is above what is expected, and I've even given tip at grocery stores and book stores. A couple of times they said they had never received a tip before lol.
And how do you give tip if you pay with a card? I like to have cash on me, but more and more people use electronic payment only.
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I've lived in countries that don't tip, and even discourage it since there is already a service charge, namely Saudi and Japan. so I'm kinda nervous when I go to a country that expect you to tip.
I really suck at coding and programming :( It's making my project so difficult.

Tomorrow I'll finish the enemy placements and work on the G.U.I. screens.
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Have 2 apprentices starting work next week at the company I work for.

I arranged the office to accommodate these at least a month ago. I asked the PA to arrange the cables and IT company to set up the machines ready since I know it would be left to last minute.

Last week nothing had been set up so I told the it company myself if it had been and they hadn't ordered the machines yet.
So they are now here as of yesterday but only one has been set up, becsuse the Pa hadn't ordered any cables or extension leads. I told her yesterday and she asked them to go and get one. One of the It people are in this morning and knows nothing of this...
Pointless. I might as well of done it myself.
Good thing I'm trying to get things moving.
This is for the playa's

People need to stop protesting about the cutting down of the rotten tree by the Island Savings Centre. I went to the library today and they were in the way. There's a high chance the tree is gonna fall and possibly crush someone or their cars, and these people want to keep it? It's a risk. It's one thing to protest about the fact that they'll turn it into more room for the parking lot, but they want to keep the whole tree there. They want people to be at risk because they have good memories of the tree?
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So I spent hours the other night arguing on the FB group over a video game. Such a waste of my time too. I was getting frustrated, not because of the debate. I love discussing video games, movies, music, and all forms of media. But it's pretty ****ing retarded when people are "true fans" of a game and can't even get it right. I was kindly explaining something, hell. At first I was just correcting something and wasn't even suggesting a fact. Then some girl comes in arms flailing saying some ****. Then I was like uhhh no. Then another girl argued the same point, and one guy kind of agreed on both sides but a bit more with them. So somehow I found my self getting double teamed by 2 girls who.... *sighs* I hate saying I'm right on this because that makes me sound like an asshole and an arrogant piece of ****.... but they couldn't have been more wrong. I get annoyed when the "majority" is wrong about something. Well, more or less so when it comes to moral choices or stuff related to that. When a majority group believes in something that is cruel in nature, that makes me feel sick inside.

So how do I know I'm right? LMAO Because I heard it out of the mouth of the devs? Then again they claim they did too. One whom, might I add. Without them telling me who, I was able to name. Told them his position, what company he went to next, and now that he came back. What position he's in now. So. I'm supposed to believe these girls that the words of a community manager keyboard warrior holds more water than the hard working developers that made the game? mMmmkay. I'm totally going to take the word of a guy who lived on another continent and was fed a few chunks of information to give to the fans ON AN INTERNET FOURM! LOLOLOLOL **** me sideways. I can't even....

Yeah.... I really needed to vent this one out. I just can't even. Oh, what's another way to know? Hmmm well for one. The game tells you through the story AND it literally sits right in front of you. Completely in line of sight. Like you're monitor or phone is right now as you read this. Literally dangling down like a flabby dick and these girls missed it? ****. The whole "Shoot. Crush. Murder. Die. Kill. Boom Boom Bang Bang. My gun goes pew pew." Pun intended. Mentality ****es me off sometimes. CoD ****ers drinking mountain dew and spitting Cheetos out of their mouths who shoot, punch, and kick through a game that is trying to educate the player and make them think. Of course it's more fun to kill **** anyways, but that's not the point -_-

// end rant. Don't ask what game. I might go back to riddling peeps on Uncharted 4 multiplayer like swiss cheese and dance on their dead as **** bodies as the blood is runnin, runnin red on the dance floor.
CT: Tonight I dreamed of sending friend requests to people I met in that dream (who don't exist in real life), and this morning I woke up to a notification on Facebook that someone I've never seen before accepted my friend request that I don't remember sending... Am I sleepwalking now?
CT: If an author ships two of their own characters that aren't really together, and writes a non-canon short story about it, does that count as a fanfic even though it's written by the author him-/her-/itself?
There's fireworks going off and everyone is in such a festive mood but here I am: happy but incredibly tired lol. Everyone else's holiday has been filled with festivities but mine? I've literally been on poo duty almost all day lmao.
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