What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Bone Tomahawk- why hasn't this movie received more attention? I loved the casting for this flick and the story is very entertaining. There were some pretty gruesome parts; I don't recall being so grossed out during a movie.
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I might be a little late on saying this, but I am so terribly sad to hear of the passing of Edgar Mitchell. He was such a great and inspiring man who shared some great knowledge to the world. I know he was growing old but I can't believe it. Even to this day he was contributing what he could. I feel heart broken over it.
Yes I am really into space and stuff. Especially the philosophy aspect, in which Mitchell a lot of time with. Some which is crazy, others which are actually crazy enough to make sense.

On a more happy thought, I'm drinking a glass bottle of coke. They are expensive but are such an oral orgasm.
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CT: Je ne peux pas oublier les langues que j'ai apprises dans le monde des hommes vivants, alors je vais écrire cette contribution en français même si personne ne va comprendre ce que je dis.
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CT: Je ne peux pas oublier les langues que j'ai apprises dans le monde des hommes vivants, alors je vais écrire cette contribution en français même si personne ne va comprendre ce que je dis.

Je comprends Hel, je comprends.
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I've decided to try out this "ipsy" thing. You receive five beauty items in a "glam bag" once a month. The subscription is only $10 with free shipping. Not bad. I've had a few friends try it out and they really like it so I figured I'd give it a try. I won't receive my first bag until next month though.
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My assigned group for a research class got me feeling like...

I never put money too close to my face..especially $1 bills. Never know which ones might have been in a stripper's butt crack or not......

OMG, this reminded me of when I worked back at the hotel. We had this stripper who would always stay with us every Friday night, and she'd pay half with her credit card and half with cash. One time she just whipped out handfuls of folded $5s (a few hundred dollars worth). My manager counted the money and then tried to hand it to me to re-count. I told him no and walked away. Got in a little bit of trouble afterwards but at least I didn't get herpes, lol.

It's like - come on. Everyone knows where that money was. I was well within my rights as a worker to refuse to touch it.
That little fella in the back looks so cuddly and adorable. does that little fella has a name?

It could be any of them. But I'm thinking Sovereign. He's a little to hobbit sized to be Harbinger.

On a separate but related note. I just spent the last hour explaining the Mass Effect ending to someone.... ugh. It was just a conversation about the Geth... It was just a conversation about the Geth... *bashes head on wall* I pretty much explained the whole ending and recapped half the **** from the games.

CT: Why are people so stupid when it comes to the ending of Mass Effect? Seriously.... really? It's so easy to figure out and understand. People act like BioWare pulled it out of their asses (in a way they did) but it was inline with the whole series lmfao!
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CT: I'm caught up on Homestuck now. And there's only a few things that have ever moved me to literal tears as much as Homestuck has. Seriously, you come to love characters in any fandom and then the author kills them or something equally heartbreaking. Fortuantely, for some of the characters in Homestuck, death is as inconsequential as it is in Dragon Ball. I wonder what the big finale will be.
Well I found out my great uncle on my dad's side died on the eve of the 50th super bowl :/ Apparently, they did a tribute for him. I only met him once in my life since he lived out of the country for most of his and was very busy. He almost did an album with Lenny Kravitz at one point, and they were next door neighbours in the Bahamas xD

It's definitely very sad to hear :(

In addition today I literally had the worst day ever at school.....
Why in the love of hell am I not getting email notifications for this website anymore, Gmail?

I get emails about stuff on the site for a few weeks, then all of a sudden, Google decides all of ResidentEvil.org's emails are spam and I don't get any for well over a month.

I specifically told you Steve's emails are not spam, Gmail.