What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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CT: So there's this blonde guy on the bus who looks like a younger version of Albert Wesker (18-19 years old I assume). Last week I couldn't help it anymore, I walked over to him shortly before my bus stop and asked how his plans to take over the world were going. He just looked at me like I was crazy - probably worried because someone had figured out his true identity.

Today I talked to him again, following Jen's advice and telling him that I only had seven minutes to play with him. He seemed kind of amused, despite still pretending not to know what I was talking about and being so convincing at it that I almost believed him. But then he gave himself away by mentioning his friend Christian, so I told him not to fool around with Chris while he's still a toddler, because that could get him into trouble, and left.

Now let's see what happens next...

This is getting serious
Make sure you take some PG67/AW pepper spray with you next time just incase.
Dear Dog-Walkers,

Please be a good citizen and clean up after your dog after it takes a sh!t right smack dab in the middle of a walking trail. And **** you very much to whichever one of you imbeciles chose not to be a good citizen this morning. My boots thank you for it.
I'm back from the game design event. We made our 48 hour game xD It's..... okayish I guess >.>

Ok i don't know what the F***** **** is wrong with some people. There is a game on Steam called Who's your Daddy. Its a multiplayer game. one plays as a baby and the other plays as the dad. As the baby you have to drink cleaning product, eat batteries, stick a fork or a knife in an electric outlet, Drown in the bathtub, or jump in the oven. in other words you have to....

As the Dad you have to stop the baby from....

I don't know..... someone showed this to us in game design class. This is just.... ****ed up. The game is called "Shower with Dad" and it's a steam game.
CNN has been like, 15 minutes behind. Bernie was 0.2 points away from Hillary but dropped to 0.8 with 93% reporting. :( Hillary just made her victory speech, I'm super bummed.

Edit: Oh wait, now all the websites are showing we're back to 0.2... this is good, this is good.
Interesting, it's really going to be back and forth with Clinton and Sanders. It's interesting how Clinton is hated so much online, but really popular off the internet. I don't get it. Either way I didn't watch it but I did just see the results and saw the Ted Cruz won. I think that is a load of ****. He bullshitted his way to victory with lie after lie after lie. He's a complete jackass.
I was both happy that Cruz won, only if to take Trump down a notch, but appalled at the same time. I definitely think he's the sleaziest guy in the race. I mean, making fun of Joe Biden the day after his son dies... knowing full well the guy lost his son... prick.

And like, wtf is with Hillary saying 'now we can get the job of universal healthcare done' when she has literally campaigned against universal healthcare all week.

O'Malley and Huckabee dropped out.
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I was surprised to see Donald Trump congratulate him for the win. Normally he's such a poor loser. I've heard somewhere that Cruz is one of Trump's choices for VP if he wins the primaries. So we may be stuck with him if a Republican wins. Ugh! Cruz is a dick for acting like that. That is just disgusting.

Hilary flip flops a lot it seems. I think she just has her own version of universal healthcare and she thinks her way is better than the other way. So yes, she would campaign against it so she can support her own.
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Well, she probably isn't going to do anything further with healthcare, really - I would be shocked if she attempts to amend the Affordable Care Act. But we'll see.

I wasn't surprised to see Trump congratulate Cruz on the win. I think it would be disastrous for him to come across as a sore loser at this point - he can't say he's a winner because he point blank didn't win. He played it well. He has to be gracious - because now Cruz and Rubio have more clout and won't be as scared of him moving forward.

0.22. Oh my goodness this is killing me.
Honestly, Hillary is just confusing right now. I do think a lot of the fear toward her is stupid. Most of it at least, there's a few things that I'll admit is a little uncomfortable.

I certainly was surprised on Trump's remarks. He's always putting down the competition and always claiming how he can do it better. It's his way or the country will suddenly go to hell and not be great. There will be some bad consequences if he wins and it's sad that people are to blind to foresee it.

Also is Ted Cruz really using religion to gather votes? The sad thing is... that works in America. I know a lot of Christians that voted for George Bush because he was the same way. The only difference is, George Bush Jr actually meant and believed what he was saying. I'm not entirely sure if Ted Cruz does.
So now it's 0.14% margin with 99.3% reporting. The Iowa Caucus is practically a tie. I do think it's a loss for Hillary though. When you've been the First Lady and Secretary of State and have massive name recognition and you've tied a candidate who most people hadn't heard of several months ago...
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You know when those days where things just keep going wrong?

I take my sister to her work in the mornings before I go to mine.

She had an upset with her bank this morn which made her late getting ready,
I was low on petrol after and had to backtrack to a petrol station after dropping her off.
It was closed so had to find another
By this point my petrol gauge was flashing
I found another that had a queue.
Then got caught in traffic
Got to work 15mins late (they were fine because I had warned them)
Now my computer Software is not working properly and it's really busy
Some other work stuff has caused more delays
I'm also really tired and Inbetween all the driving stuff a cat ran onto the road which I nearly hit.
Hillary literally won the Iowa Caucus with six coin tosses - all of which just happened to be in her favour, despite the massive statistical improbability. Bernie just needed 3 of those tosses to have won. Not rigged at all.
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CT: Well, today Mini-Wesker came to me instead of the other way around, and... from what I understand, it seems like he thought I was flirting with him. And apparently he liked it. Oops...

Not hard to see why lmao
CT: Well, today Mini-Wesker came to me instead of the other way around, and... from what I understand, it seems like he thought I was flirting with him. And apparently he liked it. Oops...
Sigh... Pg67/aw pepper spray I say
Not hard to see why lmao

Yeah, because kids interpret everything as flirting these days, even when an old woman is trolling them on the bus. I should have known! :P

Sigh... Pg67/aw pepper spray I say

Oh, you and your pepper sprays! Come on, who wouldn't want to be molested by Wesker a little bit?

CT: Listening to the Life Is Strange soundtrack is so relaxing! Even though the game itself is so mean...