What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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in addition, people believe she is a liar because her opinions differ today than the did 10-20 years ago :S

It's not just that. Anyone can change their mind, for better or worse. It's also when she changes her tune on certain issues. Hillary Clinton seems to base her policies and opinions on general consensus because she wants as many votes as possible. Gay marriage is the prime example, she was pro-family values (whatever that means) until it wasn't popular to withhold that right from gay people anymore.
It's not just that. Anyone can change their mind, for better or worse. It's also when she changes her tune on certain issues. Hillary Clinton seems to base her policies and opinions on general consensus because she wants as many votes as possible. Gay marriage is the prime example, she was pro-family values (whatever that means) until it wasn't popular to withhold that right from gay people anymore.

This is true, but it doesn't change the possibilities that she may have truly changed her mind or many of these issues. Gay marriage is something that many people only opened up too in the past 6-7 years, even when it was common sense since inception. As is the same with racism and unequal human rights of all stances.

With out a doubt she wants to win. We all know this.
I think that Hillary is betting on Bernie Sanders going the way of Ron Paul. He was popular for a while and then just fell off. Bernie is also a libertarian. Something America desperately needs, both the Democrats and te Republicans will try to destroy him the same way when the heat really turns up. Right now we are practically in the pre-campaign phase. It's all noise and smoke right now. I also don't see Trump winning either. A lot of people are scared of him and he really can't be trusted, for obvious reasons. Bernie is the only one that can be trusted imho and Libertarians are often brutally honest. Which is another thing that puts him at risk. He doesn't tell people what they want to hear. He tells them what he believes, which happens to be what America realises that they need. Power returned to them and a government regulated economy. It's quite funny. I was recently (haven't finished it yet) reading a book that suggested such a thing and the pros and cons of it. As for Clinton.... well. She has been back tracking a lot, but minds do change. A lot of people are scared of her as well for a few reasons that would lead to a pretty heated debate :/ in addition, people believe she is a liar because her opinions differ today than the did 10-20 years ago :S
Just out of curiosity, why do you say Bernie Sanders is a Libertarian? He identifies himself as a democratic socialist and progressive - and indeed his policies are consistent with those views. He shares some values with Libertarians, like being anti-war, but Libertarians value small government - and one thing you won't be getting under a President Sanders is small government.

Anyway, I don't mind that Hillary flipped on gay marriage. A lot of people flipped on gay marriage in the past decade, including me - so regardless of her reasoning to do so, I can't criticize her for that without being hypocritical myself. Nor can a lot of people, I reckon.

With regards to her lying, her people had put out a statement a few days ago, where she accused Bernie of being too soft on Wall Street - despite the fact that he said he'd break them up, whereas she said she wagged her finger at them once. It's stuff like that people should take note of and I think will lead to her undoing.
What you say is true. Though I say he is a Libertarian not because of the small government thing. I suppose that is the more modernised way of defining it. I say it more in the sense of taking a step back and going to how America was governed a century ago. Or at least that was the vibe he was giving me. Much like Ron Paul in the last government election (or was it two?). Only he wanted to turn it into a small government. It's hard for me to associate that primarily with Libertarians for the simple fact that it wouldn't work in todays world. The government is far to bloated for that to actually be pulled off. It would be nice since it could weed out some of the jackasses but.... it's not going to just happen.

I have always believed in equality in so many ways. More so than most people would be able to comprehend to say the least. It's kind of funny because I brought up some of that philosophy in class the other day. Definitely made some people think. A comical non-sense story about Tofu from RE2 lmao. While I am not gay myself. I have always believed in love. Unconditional love to be more specific. It's not exactly love either way. If it's love, it's love. People are free to love what they love, who they love, and why they love. It's not always a choice but a subconscious feeling. Sometimes we can explain it, sometimes we cannot.

I normally follow American political elections but... I've been too busy with school. Are you serious that she said that? Wow... just wow. She's so cooperate America it's not even funny. She went as far as calling Russia a terrorist nation that is trying to pollute the minds of Americans. Just totally stupid. The only way I can buy this **** is if she is playing the long game to essentially free America from the cooperate bull**** and wallstreet fiasco. Which I hardly doubt. But she certainly has some advantages. They all have some pros and cons. Well... I haven't figured out what Trumps pro is... erhm his "trump card".
They all have some pros and cons. Well... I haven't figured out what Trumps pro is... erhm his "trump card".

Many people at least admire Trump because he isn't scared to say what he really thinks. Which is an admirable trait I suppose, but he's not really saying much that I can agree with.

And I hope the people who say they're voting for Trump because he p!sses everyone off are just saying that.
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Many people at least admire Trump because he isn't scared to say what he really thinks. Which is an admirable trait I suppose, but he's not really saying much that I can agree with.

And I hope the people who say they're voting for Trump because he p!sses everyone off are just saying that.

There are a lot of people voting for him because they think he's funny, and he makes them laugh. No I'm serious about that. People are voting for the lulz.

On another, more serious thought before I go to bed :'( We lost another good soul this week.

RIP David Margulies

Wow... this is just sad :( The voice of Boba Fett also died :'( http://www.inquisitr.com/2707484/ce...16-alan-rickman-adds-to-quickly-growing-list/
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Many people at least admire Trump because he isn't scared to say what he really thinks. Which is an admirable trait I suppose, but he's not really saying much that I can agree with.

And I hope the people who say they're voting for Trump because he p!sses everyone off are just saying that.

That was what I liked about him at first (though now I've seen and heard enough to not want him in office). Truth is I don't like any of the people running... yet again. I just don't trust any of them and the fact that he isn't a politician held my interest at first. I liked that he wasn't afraid to put things bluntly towards both sides- it was amusing even. I find it pretty interesting how he claims he's not republican- which I liked because it made me think that he was more centered in his ideas and political views like I tend to be. However he has definitely talked about some close-minded ideas that have stirred me away from even wanting to vote for him. That being said I almost think he is just saying what most general-right-winged individuals want to hear; he is a business man and is all about telling people what they want to hear in order to get that sale... or in this case that win. Make no mistake, the guy is obviously a successful business man (maybe he has had some failings but I consider that to be a good thing because it means he has learned from some of those mistakes and could handle making other financial decisions for this country) but he does not have my vote.
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Woah nice reaction. but i am sorta serious. what i meant by not real is that Bruce Wayne was actually in Arkham Asylum the whole time and Batman is just a delusion he has. i mean logiclly Someone that intelligent and resourceful could use what he has to make improve the security and the police force. So that criminals don't knock on the front door and ask to let them out.

Woah nice reaction. but i am sorta serious. what i meant by not real is that Bruce Wayne was actually in Arkham Asylum the whole time and Batman is just a delusion he has. i mean logiclly Someone that intelligent and resourceful could use what he has to make improve the security and the police force. So that criminals don't knock on the front door and ask to let them out.

Matt made a good theory about this:

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Many people at least admire Trump because he isn't scared to say what he really thinks. Which is an admirable trait I suppose, but he's not really saying much that I can agree with.

And I hope the people who say they're voting for Trump because he p!sses everyone off are just saying that.
To be honest, I sort of get irritated with the value Trump-supporters are placing on Trump 'not being scared to say what he really thinks'. It works for an entertainer, sure. But diplomacy is actually a really important trait for politicians to have. And it's especially important for POTUS - which is why I think voting for Trump because he's anti-PC is a silly reason to vote for him.

For instance, people are upset with Obama because he won't say 'genocide' anymore in regards to what Turkey did to the Armenians back in the early 1900s. With the exception of Turkey, few people deny that the Armenian genocide was indeed a genocide, and Obama even said so when he was a Senator. But now - what President Obama says is very important. Turkey is a huge ally to the United States in the fight against ISIS and has been so for many years, and so saying something that would anger them jeopardizes that relationship tremendously. Jeopardizing that relationship is a terrible idea if you want to fight ISIS, because the US needs to land their planes in Turkey. Yes, it's unfortunate and it would be better for everyone for Turkey to take responsibility for what happened - but politics are nuanced. It's not just building a wall and making the Mexicans pay for it. The POTUS can't just say what he thinks. He has to understand the importance of diplomacy and I don't think that Trump understands this.
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Woah nice reaction. but i am sorta serious. what i meant by not real is that Bruce Wayne was actually in Arkham Asylum the whole time and Batman is just a delusion he has. i mean logiclly Someone that intelligent and resourceful could use what he has to make improve the security and the police force. So that criminals don't knock on the front door and ask to let them out.
My theory has always been that Bruce Wayne isn't real. Or, more accurately, that he stopped existing the moment his parents were murdered. From there, all that remained was Batman.
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I wouldn't mind stating that you can't do something on your own and make another country pay for it. What Trump wants to do with building a wall and make Mexico pay for it won't fly. I don't think it's even legal with international laws. I could be wrong though. So what is Trump going to do when Mexico doesn't pay for it and American tax payers do? Threaten Mexico? They will tell him to go **** himself. Is he going to respond by sending the American military to go in and open fire on them? Essential commit genocide? It would become an invasion and the world will see it as an act of aggression and war. It will echo back to the days of WWII with the Nazis and America will be seen as an Evil country.

I don't see Russia or China taking it lightly. Something that could result in WWIII and we'd be pretty ****ed with the world all against us. Oh yes, we Canadians will be deeply effected by it. So will Mexico, who would likely be screwed with their tourism industry after they likely bar Americans from entering the country. Also Trump is probably crazy enough to actually hit the big red button if the world unites against America for committing a crime of war, and likely braking international laws.

The potential repercussions of this is just unimaginable for most people.