I think that Hillary is betting on Bernie Sanders going the way of Ron Paul. He was popular for a while and then just fell off. Bernie is also a libertarian. Something America desperately needs, both the Democrats and te Republicans will try to destroy him the same way when the heat really turns up. Right now we are practically in the pre-campaign phase. It's all noise and smoke right now. I also don't see Trump winning either. A lot of people are scared of him and he really can't be trusted, for obvious reasons. Bernie is the only one that can be trusted imho and Libertarians are often brutally honest. Which is another thing that puts him at risk. He doesn't tell people what they want to hear. He tells them what he believes, which happens to be what America realises that they need. Power returned to them and a government regulated economy. It's quite funny. I was recently (haven't finished it yet) reading a book that suggested such a thing and the pros and cons of it. As for Clinton.... well. She has been back tracking a lot, but minds do change. A lot of people are scared of her as well for a few reasons that would lead to a pretty heated debate :/ in addition, people believe she is a liar because her opinions differ today than the did 10-20 years ago :S