What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Well there are some Saudi's who don't have any problem with woman driving and there a few people who actually taught their wives and daughters how to drive. But these people won't allow their women to drive. because the streets are filled with people who are like a donkey that carries a bag of books on its back.

let me show you a little something that you may encounter in the streets
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Well there are some Saudi's who don't have any problem with woman driving and there a few people who actually taught their wives and daughters how to drive. But these people won't allow their women to drive. because the streets are filled with people who are like a donkey that carries a bag of books on its back.

let me show you a little something that you may encounter in the streets
ah... slipper street skating, our national sport lol
Well there are some Saudi's who don't have any problem with woman driving and there a few people who actually taught their wives and daughters how to drive. But these people won't allow their women to drive. because the streets are filled with people who are like a donkey that carries a bag of books on its back.

let me show you a little something that you may encounter in the streets

Hm. Almost as weird as Canada, where there are freaks that dress up in banana costumes at Wal-Mart and go shopping with it on.
That was totally not me when I was younger.
It was.
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Hm. Almost as weird as Canada, where there are freaks that dress up in banana costumes at Wal-Mart and go shopping with it on.
That was totally not me when I was younger.
It was.

I would say its more of cute and adorable than weird. compared to someone who went to school wearing a Pajama that has a picture of a teddy bear holding a balloon that says hug me and bunny slippers.
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as a muslim, I dont think it's THAT strict, it's quite normal. :P
Of course the laws don't seem as strict for people who lives there, but when I say "extremely strict" it just reflects my own background.

As for women and driving, I'm unsure if Saudi Arabia is the only country that forbids it. Women in Iran are not allowed to drive motorcycles on public roads, but perhaps they are allowed to drive cars.

let me show you a little something that you may encounter in the streets
Wow. O_o
I would think that the shoes would melt, but perhaps the hot climate makes the road sweat a bit of oil and becomes slippery. That would not work here, the friction would be too high. And most roads are not in a good enough shape anyway. Imagine hitting a pothole in that speed? Goodbye leg.
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Nothing turns me off of a video on YouTube or someplace more than disabled comments and ratings.
If you don't want any feedback, I'm not going to give you any of my time.
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Well there are some Saudi's who don't have any problem with woman driving and there a few people who actually taught their wives and daughters how to drive. But these people won't allow their women to drive. because the streets are filled with people who are like a donkey that carries a bag of books on its back.

let me show you a little something that you may encounter in the streets


They look like they are going at least 100 km. How fast are they actually going? And exactly how many people die from doing that? It doesn't look like it's exactly safe.

Actually, you guys are pretty good drivers. This looks like a sport that I'd say 90% of the people that live here would die in on their first attempt.

CT: I am a little puzzled about something. I was at the Bioware theater today for a gathering and presentations. At the end of the event everyone got a free copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition. I ended up getting the PC version and for some reason it's the PAL version. In other words the game was imported from Europe. I mean, you'd think that they would have spare NA versions laying around in the office. The PAL versions are published in Europe, not in North America. Sooo wtf? Weird but interesting.

I found it funny that out of 60-70 people only 2 people took an Xbox One version. The rest was all PS4 (Which was gone first) and PC (which they had the most of). The 360 even moved more than the Xbox One LOL. Another interesting thought. The first guy that asked for the Xbox One version was laughed at and his face turned red. Why Bioware only had 2 copies to give out was beyond me, I guess they didn't figure anyone owned an Xbox One. Apparently it seems that no one in the development community acknowledges the existence of the Xbox One or Wii U.

Over all the presentation was pretty good as well. A very good talk on VR and some other interesting tidbits like how the NDP is seriously looking to support the gaming industry in Alberta. The conservatives would never even bat an eye. Edmonton could very well end up having a network of developers other than a few unknown ones and Bioware. Of course there is BeamDog which is helmed by one of the ex-founding fathers of Bioware. The goal is that it would be a circle network so developers can move around. For example Bioware could take fresh blood and a veteran who needs a break to destress from AAA games, but still wants to make games can go to a smaller development team and then return to Bioware later. This is a fantastic idea imo and would be a nice change. I just hope EA doesn't act like a little bitch about it.

Speaking of BeamDog. Trent Oysters arms are much bigger than Chris Redfield's in RE5. I don't know why, I just felt that I needed to say that. No really, I am serious about this. It was very distracting.

PS. pegi aka the ESRB of Europe, actually has "Fear" as one of the things they use to rate a game. Alrighty then. That is all.
CT: I am a little puzzled about something. I was at the Bioware theater today for a gathering and presentations. At the end of the event everyone got a free copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition. I ended up getting the PC version and for some reason it's the PAL version. In other words the game was imported from Europe. I mean, you'd think that they would have spare NA versions laying around in the office. The PAL versions are published in Europe, not in North America. Sooo wtf? Weird but interesting.

Most PC games don't actually have a physical release outside of Europe (and Japan). It's mostly Steam now, which is why the PC game section at Wal-Mart or London Drugs are so tiny and meager.
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Most PC games don't actually have a physical release outside of Europe (and Japan). It's mostly Steam now, which is why the PC game section at Wal-Mart or London Drugs are so tiny and meager.

That would make sense. There are a fair few that still get physical releases. Especially Blizzard games and MMO's. That's pretty much the meat of it. Now I understand why they would import them xD

I love Bioware and am a HUGE Mass Effect fan. I've always wanted to get into the Dragon Age games but I've been too busy. Now I don't have an excuse. Still trying to eat away at Assassin's Creed Syndicate when I can. I only get like an hour a day to play, which isn't much time to do a single player game. So I play a few rounds online and that's it :'(

School is killing me right now. I'm behind and I was sick all weekend, which I planned to use to catch up. I slept for 17-18 on Saturday. I was ****ing out :(

Edit: I'll admit I spend almost all my free time online the forums here >.< It's more distracting to distress than Gaming is >.>
CT: I'm feeling really satisfied with a job application I submitted today. It feels like I did a really good job. Fingers crossed. Unemployment sucks haha.
To quote a very wise woman, "Go get 'em Tiger."

CT: The Resident Evil collection is pretty good. The graphics are noticeably different, and the new control scheme works really well, however, it IS still just a remake of a REmake, and the costumes you get for pre-ordering were awesome due to the street fighter reference, but Capcom better know that this is just a drop in the bucket considering what we're expecting of REmake 2 and RE7...
I'm working on something cool at school. If it turns out how I envision it. I can't wait to show you guys! ^.^ If it's crap, no dice xD

Sadly I'm 3-4 days behind so it might not pan out well. I had to scrap everything because my idea was too big in scope and I had to rewrite the plot script. It went from an emotional and original story to a odd case of fan service. In a nutshell we need to make a 45 second cut scene with Source Film Maker (so no it's not going to look super amazing for our first video LOL)
when I said I wanted the snow back from those who stole it, the situation was this

now it's