Our elections had a lot of back and forth, sure, but the numbers now matter because we are no longer far out from the primaries. We're three weeks from Iowa. Trudeau had a lead three weeks before the election and his numbers continued to rise. Unless Bernie makes a huge gaffe from now until Iowa, it's really his for the taking. Hillary dropped 16 points in Iowa just from last month. While she is still winning nationally among Democrats, her support has dropped 8 points while Sanders has increased by 6 - all in the last month. He had very little name recognition nationally and most of the media didn't cover him... and now he's only 4 points behind her nationally. That's an 18 point drop. New Hampshire same story. Yes, Clinton still has a chance but it's an uphill battle for her from here on out.
Not to mention she keeps telling her supporters that she's more electable than Sanders, which is flat-out untrue. She 's polling only one point ahead of Trump in New Hampshire - which, taking into consideration margin of error means that that race is anyone's game. She's losing to Cruz. In the same poll, Sanders is dominating Trump and Cruz by 19 points. The Dems have to be careful. If they choose Hillary Clinton than a President Trump is very, very possible. He gets to play her kryptonite - which is that she's totally bought by her donors. He can't use the same line with Bernie.
I can't remember his name but I believe there was some dude in the 1800s that served two non-consecutive terms.