What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Whether it's a disease or, as I would rather call it, an addiction, people choose to become addicts, it's their fault and nobody else's, and they might even have to put some effort into it because I don't know anyone who liked the taste or the effects of alcohol the moment they first tried it, just like no one likes the taste of the first cigarette they smoke. So why do people start drinking at all? Because everyone else does it, or because they think it makes them seem cool, or to drown sorrows (creating even more problems while they're at it) - whatever, there's no logical reason to start consuming that ****, and there's no benefit from it either. And in the end, it's a little child, a mother of a child, or any other innocent person who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, that has to pay the price for someone else's recklessness. It has happened so often, and it will continue happening because humans don't learn from their mistakes. That's a pity.
I don't know anyone who liked the taste or the effects of alcohol the moment they first tried it, just like no one likes the taste of the first cigarette they smoke. So why do people start drinking at all? Because everyone else does it, or because they think it makes them seem cool
Alcohol in itself have an unpleasant taste, but wine actually tastes very good to many people. And beer have a good taste to others. And when you've not tried to be drunk before, it sure is fun to try it. And throw some peer pressure on top of all that, and you get the world we live in.
But tobacco have an awful taste, I think peer pressure plays a bigger role there.

Hel it sounds like you never gave in for peer pressure and neither did I. That makes people like us super cool, because we are strong. :cool:
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Hel it sounds like you never gave in for peer pressure and neither did I. That makes people like us super cool, because we are strong. :cool:

Depends on how you define "peer pressure". I have tasted various kinds of alcohol before, mainly due to some of my people simply not leaving me alone until I did, and I can also be persuaded to have half a glass of champagne mixed with orange juice for New Year's Eve (albeit with a clearly visible grimace for every sip) if you just annoy me long enough, but my willingness to make a compromise for the sake of keeping peace does not include stupid acts like getting drunk, harassing strangers, participating in dangerous tests of courage and similar juvenile nonsense that even some adults never grow out of. Others have called me uptight, "uncool" and a party pooper occasionally, but I'd much rather be that than unreasonable, especially when my actions do not only affect my own safety and health, which is the topic of our current discussion. Everyone will eventually see my realm of the dead, there's no need to rush it.
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Alcohol... my worst enemy. It destroyed my childhood, gave me a reason to put my hands on my father, tore my family apart, and consumed my mother. If I could rid it from the world, I would. More than that, I would rid the world of stupidity, because alcohol isn't the problem, people are.
I drink, but I wouldn't get behind the wheel of a vehicle nor would I be stupid enough to get in a car with a drunk driver. I do agree that drunk drivers should receive more punishment than they do already. The plain and simple fact is that if you're dumb enough to get behind the wheel while drunk then your ass deserves to be punished. You put lives in danger, including your own. Have more respect for others, and for yourself.

I can be pretty defensive over this particular topic. A really good friend of mine lost her sister to a drunk driver. And this same friend's father is a raging alcoholic and has been known to show up at family functions drunk off his ass. He has ruined so many of his grandkids' birthday parties. Not to mention he's stolen medication from his own daughter. He's not even allowed to come around anymore because they just don't want to deal with him. I can't say I blame them either.

Anyways, back to the topic of this thread.

CT: I really wish I could've just stayed home today. There is too much drama going on at this office. I'm sick of it. The damn owner said that he didn't want any drama going on in his company. Well employees have tried to tell him who's starting the drama but nothing is being done about it because he says "I watched her for a little while and she isn't doing anything wrong." Oh wow, good for you! Do you honestly think she's going to do anything wrong when she knows you're watching? Well aren't you a freagin' genius....
Alcohol... my worst enemy. It destroyed my childhood, gave me a reason to put my hands on my father, tore my family apart, and consumed my mother. If I could rid it from the world, I would. More than that, I would rid the world of stupidity, because alcohol isn't the problem, people are.
I know exactly how you feel and agree wholeheartedly. I was lucky not to see my father at his worst, but my mum and brother tell me it was serious. A few years back, he had a coronary artery blockage and nearly died of a heart attack. Since that day, he has not touched a single drop of alcohol and for that I am immensely proud of him. For him, alcohol was a way of escaping the harsh realities of a highly regarded, London based financial job. Sadly, his family was incredibly poor and so I can see why alcohol was a sad alternative.

That doesn't excuse him for his actions, though. It's the people we have to address, not the substance. Like they say, guns don't kill people, people do. If we change people's cognitions about alcohol, hopefully the problem will be reduced. It would take a monumental campaign, as prohibition actually saw a drastic rise in drink driving related deaths. What is needed is a focus on the psychological effect of alcohol, not the physical. We've all been shown the gory images of an alcohol riddled liver, a nicotine decimated lung and the injection points that caused HIV/AIDS, but what hasn't been pointed out is how it ruins everyone's lives. It isn't just the immediate family who suffer either: colleagues will be reluctant to trust a habitual drunk, passers by will remark on the yellow eyes and the economic implications of a life with alcoholism.

Stupidity is the greatest murderer in human history. Kill the stupidity, life continues.

CT: Why do Americans have such an incredible range of programs on Netflix? We get House of Cards and Breaking Bad but not Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Stargate, Skyfall, Firefly or Serenity. Curse the younger country and its technologically superior infrastructure.
Watched a BBC3 documentary the other day about a group of youth workers in the North East trying to encourage teenagers to stay off alcohol - was really interesting and compelling stuff. As an alcoholic myself I find it fascinating the reasons and circumstances that cause others to make such a damaging life-choice. I am fortunate in that I can now have a glass of wine on occasion and simply do not feel the need to even so much as finish it...took almost 7 years of total sobriety before I could get to that stage and even then it's not something I would advise other addicts. I got lucky, I guess - going cold turkey for that long stopped me from feeling the urge to keep drinking now.

CT: Another pound lost and it's not even the end of the first week! Many many pounds left to go but it's a really encouraging start :grin:
Guys...Not to sound like a creeper here, but Kelly Ogden is REALLY hot lol.


Hooray for tags! @Steve this is great! You gave us something that I didn't even know I was missing. :grin:
Would it be possible to install/enable ice cream too? I want ice cream! And please don't mix it up with ice scream, I've tried that before. It's no good.
I can now imagine a virtual person lying down under the ice-cream machines. Ice scream is actually quite nice once you get past the loudness of the particular dessert.
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I love it when rich, established men make fools of themselves by trying to hitch up with young women who are very clearly not interested in them but their status and money. Now I'm not knocking relationships with large age differences because some people truly make it work! But most young women aren't interested in your old ass. They're interested in your wallet.
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