What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I usually try as hard as I can to be completely non-judgemental about sexuality but I just watched a documentary on objectum sexuality and it was just the silliest thing I've ever seen. I understand many of these women are quite damaged and scarred but I felt so embarrassed for them. I wanted to reach through the screen and shake them to their senses. No, I'm sorry, but the Eiffel Tower isn't talking to you. It's doesn't love you and it doesn't know you exist because it's an inimate f u c king object.

I mean, sure, if that's your thing and if it makes you happy, have at it hoss but it's still crazy.
It's not true! You men keep saying that but that's definitely not in any manner been my experience in my 23 years thus far. I find I can only control men if my top is either low or off altogether and since I don't live in a nudist colony, it's not working very well for me. :P
It's not true! You men keep saying that but that's definitely not in any manner been my experience in my 23 years thus far. I find I can only control men if my top is either low or off altogether and since I don't live in a nudist colony, it's not working very well for me. :p
See the point is to bait them in and then you start a retraining program.:P
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It's not true! You men keep saying that but that's definitely not in any manner been my experience in my 23 years thus far. I find I can only control men if my top is either low or off altogether and since I don't live in a nudist colony, it's not working very well for me. :P

OK. But you can control us at any time, you basically admitted it. :D
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My quiet little town Newtown ct will always be know for mass murder, my prayers go out to all the families. what sick bastard would kill 5 yr old kids?!! I hope he burns in hell! I am glad my little sis is ok, she was in another school near by. I love u Gracie. Just hearing the President cry over my hometown makes me think the world is really ending :( hug ur loved ones extra tight tonight ya hear me guys? beautiful New England town forever in infamy
Really glad I choose to play as Piers. Chris freaking sucks so far. -_-'
CT: Too much coffee...

Did you watch the South Park episode where the boys drank coffee? You just reminded me of it, it's the funniest thing you can imagine. Lmao.

Yes I have XD I'm still feeling the effects of it! Sheesh... how long will this Americano last?! O.o
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CT: The fact Westboro Baptist Church are talking about picketing at those poor children's funerals in Newton makes me sick. This group needs justice... something needs to be done about this. I'm all for freedom of speech, but isn't there a point when it's taken too f*cking far? I feel horrible enough as it is for the poor victim's parents. I hope they have their moment of peace and don't have to see those horrible "God sent the shooter" signs these stupid f*cks have made.

/end angry rant.
CT: The fact Westboro Baptist Church are talking about picketing at those poor children's funerals in Newton makes me sick. This group needs justice... something needs to be done about this. I'm all for freedom of speech, but isn't there a point when it's taken too f*cking far? I feel horrible enough as it is for the poor victim's parents. I hope they have their moment of peace and don't have to see those horrible "God sent the shooter" signs these stupid f*cks have made.

/end angry rant.
Those people make me sick. Their sole function is to bring misery into the world, and what better way than targeting people who are already miserable? Preying on the suffering of others is about the lowest of the low, but doing so under the guise of furthering some bull**** 'righteous' cause is even worse. If ever the concept of 'evil' needed proving, the WBC would be one of my first examples. And using murdered children as pawns in their game certainly does them no favors. Simply outrageous.
Those people make me sick. Their sole function is to bring misery into the world, and what better way than targeting people who are already miserable? Preying on the suffering of others is about the lowest of the low, but doing so under the guise of furthering some bull**** 'righteous' cause is even worse. If ever the concept of 'evil' needed proving, the WBC would be one of my first examples. And using murdered children as pawns in their game certainly does them no favors. Simply outrageous.

No group has ever enraged me more than this one. You know they're the worst when the KKK openly says WBC has gone too far. Hopefully Obama will recognize this "church" as a hate group. I'm not sure what that'll do from keeping them away though.
No group has ever enraged me more than this one. You know they're the worst when the KKK openly says WBC has gone too far. Hopefully Obama will recognize this "church" as a hate group. I'm not sure what that'll do from keeping them away though.
I don't think it would do much, sadly. Unfortunately in this case, though some would say otherwise, we still have that damned 'freedom of speech' thing here in America that makes what they do perfectly legal (however sickening it absolutely is). While it's one of the things that makes America great, it's also one of the things that makes us not so great; Because it applies to hate-speak as much as it does rational, human-speak. I'm normally a pretty pacifistic guy, but I get the urge to do violence when I see those monsters doing their thing. I wish we could exile them or something...

Also, I think it's hilarious that they're too extreme for the f*cking KKK!

CT: There is nothing that puts me in a zen-like state of mind faster than figuring out songs on the piano. It also does wonders for my ego. ;)