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What are you thinking? (Part 2)


The White Wolf
I do own RE5 - and am of the firm belief that if the entire game was set up like Lost In Nightmares and Jill was one of the main playable characters, it would have been a thousand times better...you know, just in case anyone cares, lol.
point taken into consideration approved sent back as an affirmative
sometime are you down to play some re5?

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
The camera is shaky because it follows your movement like the camera is attached to you and occasionally your partner is in your line of sight - ie; in the way. I don't like it; I don't like change. *pouts*
I can't begin to justly describe how much that ****ed me off! The camera kept me from finishing the game. It just got SO frustrating! If that game were a person, I would call it fat for years until it developed an eating disorder. And I'm not even a hateful dude!

CT: I kinda want to high-five Magnolia now.


Kahnum of Outworld
I can't begin to justly describe how much that ****ed me off! The camera kept me from finishing the game. It just got SO frustrating! If that game were a person, I would call it fat for years until it developed an eating disorder. And I'm not even a hateful dude!

CT: I kinda want to high-five Magnolia now.
I couldn't even finish the first scenario because of it; it gave me the worst headache and I only got a little past the first checkpoint. (I'm not even going to begin with how peeved I was that the first mission was Operation Javier, at least the Umbrella Chronicles went in order. :rolleyes:)


Her royal court joker
Lucid dreaming is fun! :D I've done it many times. A lot of times I realize I'm dreaming and then wake up right away. Sometimes I'll know I'm dreaming but not interfere with it. I'll just sit back and commentate on what is happening without stepping in to change anything. However, if a dream is too boring I'll take over to spruce it up. My logic is this, if my brain is going to entertain me while I sleep, then it better be some quality entertainment because I don't have time for stupid dreams.
Oh my God, Meg.... Not having time for stupid dreams is the funniest and smartest thing I've heard all week. Brilliant.


I make good toast
CT: I've just been through two parts of Resident Evil 5 again and honestly do not remember them being there the first two times around...

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I'd like to know what the point of chugging hand sanitizer is? Just read a story about a woman who got a DUI for blowing over .17 after chugging over half of one of the large hand sanitizer bottles. Why not just go get a ****ing beer if you want to chug? Hand sanitizer? Srsly?


Kahnum of Outworld
I'd like to know what the point of chugging hand sanitizer is? Just read a story about a woman who got a DUI for blowing over .17 after chugging over half of one of the large hand sanitizer bottles. Why not just go get a ******* beer if you want to chug? Hand sanitizer? Srsly?
Alcoholics will drink anything they can get their hands on that has a nice portion of alcohol in it; period. The one I live with has taken to drinking cough syrup when he can't get anything else, which is why we have to go out and buy it when we're sick because we don't keep it around anymore.
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