You sure about that? I was just there a week ago and it was anything but fun and adult strep throat? Way worse than any child strep you ever had.growing extra teeth is very painful id rather have strepthroat then deal with this
strep throats not fun for any age ive had strep throat for the last 4 years i know its painful this year was the worse ive ever had but it only lasted for a week ive had teeth pain for the last three weeks which has been causing me to get the worse migrains i have ever hadYou sure about that? I was just there a week ago and it was anything but fun and adult strep throat? Way worse than any child strep you ever had.
I'm sorry sweetness, I know how that is. I hope you get a break soon.I asked to be laid off today. Got to work this morning to find I'm now working straight through til Friday and I haven't had a day off since last Thursday. Funny how my lay off somehow turned into overtime. Meh.
No more than two. It gives them companionship while I am gone and it's not more than I can you like multiple cats or just like to have one
I hate politics; can't wait for this stupid election to be over.
I just don't even see the point anymore; the system is so screwed up that we're gonna be royally ****ed no matter who goes in.What I hate most are the stupid ads... and all the lying as well as broken promises... but hey it's the only thing on tonight and I'm in a hotel and don't have my ps3 ;_; hence the wine drinking...![]()