Resident Evil 5 Wesker Dead Or Alive(dedicated to 013)

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Ummm, have you even seen the Matrix? It's not about wearing all black necessarily. And I've said how Wesker always managed to do his thing, which includes wearing primarily black, WITHOUT being a Matrix rip-off, TILLLL RE5. duh.

The stupid trenchcoat and barrel rolls in midair and BS like that is how he's not cool, he's a stupid, generic, comic book villian, Matrix ripoff extradionare.

And no matter which way you put it, him dropping his plans like that and stealing Spencer's in still stupid. No drive he has.

And his superhuman strenght and speed were not shown in UC first, it was Code Veronica, buddy.

UC did introduce us to a stupid trenchcoat that he wore out in the Arctic, and then took it off, while still outside in the Antartic.
Just cause he wears a trenchcoat does NOT make him a rip-off..Nor does being able to do barrel rolls in the air...Let's face it...He is his own unique character because he has his own personality, he has his own back story...So what if some of his skills are similar to others...He acquired powers, and that's what they did to his body..Upped his agility...That doesn't make him a rip off of anything...

You say he has no drive...Are you telling me being able to become a GOD Is not drive! You're insane my friend...My plan could be to become the worlds greatest writer, but if I find out I can become a God...F*ck being the world's greatest writer...I have a new and better goal, and my drive IS that goal...

You're right, there were shown in Code Veronica, but you pointing that out only helps further my point...

In UC he wasn't in the arctic, he was in Russia...And when he took it off maybe he went back to get it...Maybe he didn't...But it doesn't matter, he's rich, so buying a new one is TOTALLY within his power...

Oh, and yes, I have seen the Matrix, all three of them...They're awful...
Its funny. I want to know Wesker finally dead though at the same time he's one of the best villains. When you think RE the first thing that usually comes to people mind is Wesker. If he really is dead they damn sure better have a epic replacement.
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Its funny. I want to know Wesker finally dead though at the same time he's one of the best villains. When you think RE the first thing that usually comes to people mind is Wesker. If he really is dead they damn sure better have a epic replacement.
I think the first thing that comes to peoples mind is Zombies...Just what I think...
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Just cause he wears a trenchcoat does NOT make him a rip-off..Nor does being able to do barrel rolls in the air...Let's face it...He is his own unique character because he has his own personality, he has his own back story...So what if some of his skills are similar to others...He acquired powers, and that's what they did to his body..Upped his agility...That doesn't make him a rip off of anything...

You say he has no drive...Are you telling me being able to become a GOD Is not drive! You're insane my friend...My plan could be to become the worlds greatest writer, but if I find out I can become a God...F*ck being the world's greatest writer...I have a new and better goal, and my drive IS that goal...

You're right, there were shown in Code Veronica, but you pointing that out only helps further my point...

In UC he wasn't in the arctic, he was in Russia...And when he took it off maybe he went back to get it...Maybe he didn't...But it doesn't matter, he's rich, so buying a new one is TOTALLY within his power...

Oh, and yes, I have seen the Matrix, all three of them...They're awful...

You're absolutely right, just because he wears a trenchcoat and does mid air slow motion barrel rolls doesn't make him a Matrix ripoff. It's everything else in addition to that.

He wasn't in the Arctic he was in Russia? Same thing, get over it. It was friggin snowy, like to where you could get frost bite and stuff, and he took off his coat. Then he's wearing that leather coat in RE5, in Africa, where's it's deathly hot...yeah, what a genius.

Me pointing out that they showed his superhuman strenght and agility in CVX doesn't help your point, it helps mine. You can compare and see the hugely ridiculous difference in his abilities seen in CVX, even UC in between, and RE5. He went from being a normal dude with superhuman strenght and agility, to being The One.

I bet you can't do backflips can you? Look at somebody like a Barry Burton. Could you picture him doing barrel rolls in mid air and back sommersaults to avoid bullets, and clinging onto the ceiling like an insect? Ahhh, no. But what if he had superhuman strenght and agility? Nope, it still seems pretty innappropriate for him. Same goes for Wesker.

He's his own person? Is that what a person who steals someone else's dreams and their plans is, their own person? Hmmm, I learned something new today..

And the first two Matrix's are awesome.
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You're absolutely right, just because he wears a trenchcoat and does mid air slow motion barrel rolls doesn't make him a Matrix ripoff. It's everything else in addition to that.

He wasn't in the Arctic he was in Russia? Same thing, get over it. It was friggin snowy, like to where you could get frost bite and stuff, and he took off his coat. Then he's wearing that leather coat in RE5, in Africa, where's it's deathly hot...yeah, what a genius.

Me pointing out that they showed his superhuman strenght and agility in CVX doesn't help your point, it helps mine. You can compare and see the hugely ridiculous difference in his abilities seen in CVX, even UC in between, and RE5. He went from being a normal dude with superhuman strenght and agility, to being The One.

I bet you can't do backflips can you? Look at somebody like a Barry Burton. Could you picture him doing barrel rolls in mid air and back sommersaults to avoid bullets, and clinging onto the ceiling like an insect? Ahhh, no. But what if he had superhuman strenght and agility? Nope, it still seems pretty innappropriate for him. Same goes for Wesker.

He's his own person? Is that what a person who steals someone else's dreams and their plans is, their own person? Hmmm, I learned something new today..

And the first two Matrix's are awesome.
The virus more than likely hadn't evolved to the state it is in RE5...Besides, you technically see it before CVX...He had minimal power right after awakening during his fight with Lisa Trevor in the mansion...And the fact that his power is SHOWN to increase helps my point...Just like how in CVX his face gets severely burned but has healed by the time he goes to Russia...And again...He dropped his plans TO BECOME A GOD...Such a bigger dream he didn't even REALIZE was possible until he met up with Spencer...He didn't even know he was manufactured until he met up with Spencer...Of course he'd focus on human goals until he realized how he was made from such a superior breed...
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The thread I was looking for! I think Wesker is not dead for the only reason that the rocket chris launched didn't hit wesker. We all saw that. He might be all trashed out but not dead.
He's not dead, he just multiplicated to thousand pieces. Thanks to the rockets he took to the head :D
The virus more than likely hadn't evolved to the state it is in RE5...Besides, you technically see it before CVX...He had minimal power right after awakening during his fight with Lisa Trevor in the mansion...And the fact that his power is SHOWN to increase helps my point...Just like how in CVX his face gets severely burned but has healed by the time he goes to Russia...And again...He dropped his plans TO BECOME A GOD...Such a bigger dream he didn't even REALIZE was possible until he met up with Spencer...He didn't even know he was manufactured until he met up with Spencer...Of course he'd focus on human goals until he realized how he was made from such a superior breed...
i agree dude. once he found out that he was MADE to be superior is when his plans changed. sure he had powers before then, but he still thought of himself as somewhat human. once he learned the truth and spencers plan he realized that there was no one better to rule the world than someone who was created to be better than the rest of humanity. i think its a logical scenario that he would dump his old plans if something better came up.

and i really dont see how hes a matrix rip off. he can move really fast and he wears black, big deal lol. the first matrix was good, the others sucked something fierce.
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I think Wesker is dead for good now... If he survived lava and RPGs , Chris and Jill might as well retire;) One thing I would really like to see, however, is a game based on previous events, in the time after the first "incident", kind of a "behind the scenes" game, where Wesker plays an important part. Ofcourse, playing as Umbrellas Chairman would have been awesome, but then the game would either be ridiculously easy, or every enemy would have to be absurdly powerful... Even two tyrants stood little chance against him!
IF there is a RE7, and IF i had the PS4 and RE7 and meet Albert Wesker in this situation i would Actually say....What.the?

but in Actuality i say that he is Dead....
I hope he is F**king dead. After killing him three times , Rocket launchering his ass into a molten Volcano and seeing him melt like the Terminator, He damn better be dead. I can see Jake returning or been turned evil but I'd rather not!
Bring back the proper zombies, ditch some of the javos and gun weilding enemies!
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I think he's dead and I hope it stays that way. He was smart and sexy and all, but he also became more and more ridiculous with every new game that came out, and it was about time to get rid of him. Also, think about the consequences of bringing him back: If being decapitated by two explosive rockets while taking a lava bath is not enough to kill him, nothing is, and so the series is doomed to have an unhappy ending.
If Capcom managed to come up with a very good excuse for his survival, I would be looking forward to his meeting with Chris after returning from Helheim again, and I'd hope for him to meet Jake too at some point, but knowing Capcom's story-telling skills, I doubt that they can come up with something believable.
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To say the least, Albert Wesker was resurrected.......

In the form of a Marvel Vs. Capcom character