I really don't see what the problem is with Claire in Revelations 2. She's just a bit older than when we last saw her and wearing makeup.I think Chris got off lighltly compared to what happened to Jill and Claire.
I really don't see what the problem is with Claire in Revelations 2. She's just a bit older than when we last saw her and wearing makeup.I think Chris got off lighltly compared to what happened to Jill and Claire.
I really don't see what the problem is with Claire in Revelations 2. She's just a bit older than when we last saw her and wearing makeup.
Hmm, the article on relyonhorror mentioned that she'd play a major role in flashbacks and Chris's relationship with her would be brought up in the present, so now I'm worried that might be true. All I can say is, if they do kill her, they'd better do her justice.I'm very curious to see Rebecca in this movie. After seeing her character, I'm just going to tell myself that this movie has it's own "art style" xD I just really hope she's not dead or somethingI'm actually starting to get worried about that now.
Oh and not to be THAT guy or anything.... but you know that a lot of people thought was Albert Wesker?
That guy?! Well apparently his name is Glenn Arias. Supposedly.
Hmm, the article on relyonhorror mentioned that she'd play a major role in flashbacks and Chris's relationship with her would be brought up in the present, so now I'm worried that might be true. All I can say is, if they do kill her, they'd better do her justice.
I really don't see what the problem is with Claire in Revelations 2.
There's a translated synopsis from a press release on anime now!
This sounds too good to be true!!
So Chris definitely looks weird to me, but I can't quite pin down what it is. If I look at any features individually it looks like the Chris I know, but take it as a whole and he looks strange. Anybody know what it is?
So Chris definitely looks weird to me, but I can't quite pin down what it is. If I look at any features individually it looks like the Chris I know, but take it as a whole and he looks strange. Anybody know what it is?