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The new Resident Evil RPG

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
I think I'll switch my character to Lucas(the guy from my scenario) for now if you don't mind. I might as well continue my previous character.


Name: Lucas Alabamaromert
Age: 18
Equip: nothing
Bio: classmate of John
Clothing: university uniform
Appearance: 6'60'', burly, brown short hair, brown eyes,
Status: Badly Infected

OK here it goes:


Lucas was feeling dizzy. He could swear though that he could hear voices..

Everything fades away...


Voice: He is mutating! Take him to the Nemesis Beta program!


Voice: We are loosing him!! Quick! bring the virus.......




moments later..

Peter: Hmmm.. The experiment went quite well I have to say.. When is he going to recover his senses?

Scientist: Soon enough sir.

Peter: Great! I want him to be sent to our Umbrella facility to the north side of the city. We've been tracking this Sgt.Calfer guy for a long time and he seems to know much.. too much to be alive. He and another member of his squad have infiltrated the place...

Scientist: Yes sir....


Name Update: Nemesis Beta
Age Update: ?
Equip Update: Rocket Launcher(2x6 rounds)
Bio Update: Experimental B.O.W
Clothing Update: similar to Nemesis Of RE 3
Appearance Update: similar to Nemesis Of RE 3
Status Update: Tyrant
Program update: Eliminate all of Sgt.Calfer's squad

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Nemeis was running faster than the wind smashing any zombie who stood on his way. He had just reached a trolley. A young woman was standing there and cought his attention....

Jill Valentine: Yayyyyy!!!! All I need now is the mixed oil and I'll be driving my way to the Clock Tower!!!

Nemesis Beta: S.T.A.R.S.......

Jill: WTF? Who the hell are you? You look like the other fat guy.....

Nemesis graps Jill and eats her.

Nemesis Beta: YUUUMMMYYYY...


After this short break Nemesis continued his way. Now he was just outside the umbrella facility. A police car was also abandoned there..

Nemesis Beta: CAAAAAALFEEER...

Blargh Man

Das Panzer Kommandant
Status: human

"The rest of the squad should be here." "Really? They're alive?" "Everyone except Ramirez, f*ckin assholes got 'em." Vincent and Calfer were walking when they heard glass ****ter, "What the hell was that?" Said Vincent, "Probably Umbrella, they've been trackin me for a while now." "Why?" "Because i found somethin they didn't want me to find..." Calfer pulls a vial out of his pocket, "Some stuff that's supposed to counter this "virus" that's been infecting people cuz those zombie things bit 'em." The wall suddenly blasted open and a large creature walked through... "Holy f.." Before he could finish the monster brought his missile launcher to it's shoulder, "Run!" (Froosh!) the rocket flew right in between them. Then someone shouted "Get down!", it was a fellow soldier, he then shot his machine gun at the creature. "C'mon, let's get back to the squad!" they then ran to the squad. "What the f*ck was that thing? Didn't seem like those other things we've seen!" Said the soldier, "Dunno! But we better keep runnin!". "GET OVER HERE!" Yelled another soldier, the whole squad fired at the thing, but it never responded to the gunfire, it just kept following Calfer and Vincent, obviously they were the main priority. They all ran to an elevator, but before the whole squad could get in it, the monster fired another missile. The rocket hit the ground where most of the squad was and killed them. The doors closed and they proceeded down to the bottom level, "You, soldier. Your not from my squad, who are you?" "Cpl. Tyson, 2nd national guard. I was sent as a replacement with the rest of my friends, well... they didn't make it. then i found your squad and i joined up with them." They arrived at the bottom floor to find that that floor was the lobby of an underground facility. They walked out of the elevator and Vincent said, "Did you know about this place?" "Yeah, that's why i told everyone to run to that elevator cuz i knew it would lead us here." So they continued on into the labs sector.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
....Nemesis fired a second rocket. It hit the ground and killed some of his enemies but missed the main target. The doors of the elevator closed before Nemesis could reach them. He started punching the doors angrily and broke them but there was no way to follow them. The lift had gone down already. He must find another route to the basement...

Equip Update: Rocket Launcher(2x5 rounds)
Health Update: 95%(Fine)


Kickass Stranger
Fallen91;68354 said:
Nemeis was running faster than the wind smashing any zombie who stood on his way. He had just reached a trolley. A young woman was standing there and cought his attention....

Jill Valentine: Yayyyyy!!!! All I need now is the mixed oil and I'll be driving my way to the Clock Tower!!!

Nemesis Beta: S.T.A.R.S.......

Jill: WTF? Who the hell are you? You look like the other fat guy.....

Nemesis graps Jill and eats her.

Nemesis Beta: YUUUMMMYYYY...

After this short break Nemesis continued his way. Now he was just outside the umbrella facility. A police car was also abandoned there..

Nemesis Beta: CAAAAAALFEEER...
Love! lol

Tony, Rose, and Analia Entry-

"This storm's gonna slow us down." Tony said taking a seat.
"Hopefully, that thing won't come back." Analia commented.
"If it does... we're in hot water...." Tony replied. Every sound that everyone made rang in his ears like a gunshot. His nerves were certainly taking their time adjusting to it.
"You alright?" Rose asked, softly.
"I'm fine. My hearing is just ****ed up."
I'll say... it screamed in your face....
Analia wanted to say it, but felt far too guilty about being unable to fight alongside them. Next time....
Tony looked at his bandages and thought back to what Rona and the pharmacist had told him....
"We need to get to the train station."


My first update in a while, Im going to try to kill off Levi, if echolai wants to he can revive himself later. Possibly he will die in my next few.
Vince and Levi ran off from the gas station as it was sure to draw more zombies. Though later they saw a weird purple thing so they just strayed off. "When is this walking going to end..." Vince groaned.
They decided to go and loot an apartment building nearby. Once they got inside something immediately came from the vent in the top having the door thing crash down on Levi dazing him and a tongue suddenly pulled him into the duct. "LEVI!" Vince called out. He knew there was no chance of Levi surviving so he just continued on. After looting a room he realized something. "God damn Levi has the laptop with the info, whatever may be on it." he said aloud. He ran out of the building screaming. He ran to the local store beating all the zombies he saw with his Baseball Bat. Once he made it he knew it would be hard to make an outpost out of it. It took him 3 hours and many close encounters to clear it. He grabbed some food, found boards and nails and spent multiple hours barricading all possible ways in. He burst out a sleeping bad, had dinner, and slept. He thought the store was clear, but was it?

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
John entry-

John woke up in a dark cell. The lights were off for some reason. However there were some candles lighting up the place. Suddenly he remembered..

John: Lucas! Where could he be?

John had a better look of his surroundings.

John: Hmmm I must be to the underground facility of the university... I need to get out.. - He thought

He searched his clothes. The P-Base was still there.

John: At least I've got this..

He stood up and went to the door.. It was locked! A carving of a cross was below the knob.

John: DUH............. Hey!! Hold on a sec...

John searched his chest and took out his titanium cross.

John: Hmmm.. This might work...

John insterted the cross to the keyhole and the door opened!

John: Thanks Mathew...- He said as he walked out of the cell...

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
John was wandering through the corridors of the facility. He didn't know were he was going. Dead zombies were scattered all over the place.

John: *Someone was here before me..*

He continued walking when he saw a dieing scientist.

John: Are you ok?

Scientist: Betrayal... Peter...

John: I know. Don't move! You are really hurt. Wait here. I'll find something to treat this wound.

Scientist: No! It's too late for me... Here... Taake this weapon.. Aaaaaaarghhh.. And waaatch... ouut for the Tyran... - He said as he passed away.

John examined the weapon. It was a high voltage gun for experimental animals. It used a battery. John stood up and moved on...

Equip Update: Spark Shot(87%), P-Base
Status Update: Slightly Infected(9%)


Vince woke up after being bitten by a zombie. "What the hell?!" He thought kicking it off his body. It lay silently on the floor, but since Vince's stuff was in his bag he stomped on the zombies head. He panted heavily before breaking open the barricade. He packed the bag with enough food for a few more nights if this should last that long. After getting out he noticed the worst thing he ever saw... a tyrant. He knew his guns alone wouldn't be enough. Before it noticed him he sneaked back into the building. He ran to the security area and noticed something in a slightly opened safe... a carbine.

Vince Equip Update: Bat, Dessert Eagle, .32 pistol, pocket knife, carbine, lighter.
Vince Status Update: Infected (26%)
Yes im copying you Fallen, now onto Levi.
Levi awoke with blood all over him. All of his weapons except his holstered 9mm Taurus handgun, which he only had one clip for, were gone. He was cramped up in the elevator shaft. He was only glad that the power wasn't on. Apparently the thing that took him brought him here. He pulled out his handgun and was ready for anything. Immediately, a licker dropped down and cut one of the wires holding the elevator up. The licker kept on dropping down and cutting the wires until the shaft fell, it was the end.

Levi Equip Update: Nothing
Levi Status Update: Deceased

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
The tyrant had trapped the U.B.C.S team in a large experiment room.


The team started firing at it, but he didn't seem to take a lot of damage. Instead he was slowly approaching them.

U.B.C.S member: Fire in the hole!

He threw a grenade at the monster. For an instance it stopped moving but got really mad and stated buthering the taeam to death. Only the captain is remaining now..

Voice: You are going down now..

John entered the room and fired with his spark shot.


The electro-wave passed just above the Tyrant's head, who focused on John now and stared accelerating towards him.


John fired a second shot and hit it to the stomach. The tyrant slowed down a bit.


Another shot to the shoulder. Tyrant stopped moving. John went close to it to have a better accuracy.


It's head turned black due to the high voltage and it kneeled to the ground.


The monster completely fell down unconsious.


John: Game over....


John: Wtf?... Oh great..

The battery completely discharged.

U.B.C.S Leader: Thank you for saving me! I'm Sergeant Nicholai. What are you doing here?

John: I'm John. Just trying to get out of here. How about you? You don't expect to find survivors here, do you?

Nicholai: We were also sent to catch the traitor Peter. Unfortunately he got away and left the Tyrant to deal with us..We need to move nowI will escort you to the exit.

John: I see. Let me take some weapons first and we'll be leaving right away..

John picked up a M4A1 and some clips from a dead mercenary. He then went to Tyrant and started examineing it.

John: I need its blood..

Nicholai aim him with his gun.

Nicholai: What? Who are you? Umbrella sent you too?

John: Hey! Relax! I just want this for the antivirus..

Nicholai remain still for a moment..

Nicholai: hmm.. oh yes of course.. the antivirus.. I already got it...


Equip Update: M4A1(30x3 clips), P-Base


Kickass Stranger
There we go. ^^


DegenerateElite;68949 said:
There we go. ^^


Means (if tequila doesnt post and if the others agree on it):

Analia was just walking around smiling all happy and stuff and then an elephant landed on her head and there is now an elephant roaming around raccoon.


Bottle Lover
Rathit;68957 said:

Means (if tequila doesnt post and if the others agree on it):

Analia was just walking around smiling all happy and stuff and then an elephant landed on her head and there is now an elephant roaming around raccoon.

That's not very nice. Sorry that I lagged. I was waiting on D Elite's response of side of characters...anywho the show must go on.

On the side note. for sure I'll post tomorrow. I am dead beat with a load of homework tonight and need to stufy. Nvm I saw the following post. Again, sorry for the lag and i'll be on it ASAP after tomorrow's post.


tequila;69005 said:
That's not very nice. Sorry that I lagged. I was waiting on D Elite's response of side of characters...anywho the show must go on.

On the side note. for sure I'll post tomorrow. I am dead beat with a load of homework tonight and need to stufy. Nvm I saw the following post. Again, sorry for the lag and i'll be on it ASAP after tomorrow's post.

k. that will work out.
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