'Lo all.
Looking for some PS3 Merc partners; I don't care what you score regularly, I'm just looking for people who want to play and have fun. And hey, if we score wicked good, all the better right?
If you're not so good, that's fine. I'm not so hot myself, averaging a 50,000 for my solo runs, which STINKS, I know, but hey. If we work together, perhaps we'll both improve, no?
I have no headset, if that's any sort of problem (it hasn't been yet).
My connection is usually pretty good too.
I'm currently stuck on Ancient Ruins. Blast it all, can't seem to score anything more than a low "B" Argh.
My PSN is
Teal27. (note the capital "t")
Add me as a friend if you're interested, and tell me you saw this post so I know who you are.
I'll gladly try to help out anyone else too (so long as it isn't Ancient Ruins, lol.)
Happy Gaming!