The thing I tend to see in low scoring people is cautiosness. It tends to be that people are too careful. Spend less time running and more time shooting. Lean towards shotguns, learn to reload using the inventory, it's a ****load faster once you master it, especially with Wesker and his Hydra. Learn to combine items when climbing ladders to not waste time. All the game is is time management and assesment. Don't waste time trying to save ammo either. There's plenty of it. On solo, you should never run out unless you miss 70% of your shots. Stick to power weapons like shotguns and machine guns, use pistols and rifles for long range, use magnums on bosses. I'm willing to give a tutorial with any character on any level. If anyone needs help, my gamertag is next to me. If you have PSN tell me the character you're using and on what level on this thread. I'll give you an in-depth walkthrough on the forum, but please, if you have Live, spare the the drudgery of having to write it all and contact me on Live.