They need more levels and characters for Mercs. 400 MS is so worth it. That's 50% the price of most DLC on the marketplace. I gotta say, Capcom hooked us up this time around. Altogther (counting Desperate Escape) I'll have spent 1200 MS for six Mercs characters and two extra missions. That's a pretty good deal if you ask me.
Yeah though... Bring back Claire, Leon, Ada, H.U.N.K., another Wesker wouldn't hurt (bring back the thrust punch from RE4 or beef his current one like in Lost in Nightmares! Add the coat too.) A Jill with a power weapon would be nice. Jill has NO power weapons... makes getting SS in Prison a b****.... And keep them with the other characters. Keep Chris and Sheva in it as well. They left out Jill in Reunion. That makes no sense -and enough of the exaggerated ass when she does those wierd kicks. The body doesn't naturally go into a split position with your butt out after a cartwheel. It looks forced and awkward. RE3 Jill would be nice. Mafia Leon... RE4 Ada... Clubbin' Rebecca... Gangster Billy... Bringing back Claire at all would be nice. I still don't understand why they didn't add her....
A survival mode! THAT would be SO much better than mercs. Me and a friend of mine were talking about that on XBL last week. Barricading building and holding off against enemy swarms, limited ammo, them breaking in, us running to high ground, them trying knock it over (like the bus in the early RE5 trailers) that would be SO epic. After each swarm would be an intermission for however long until everyone comes back and continues. So epic....
Yeah though... Bring back Claire, Leon, Ada, H.U.N.K., another Wesker wouldn't hurt (bring back the thrust punch from RE4 or beef his current one like in Lost in Nightmares! Add the coat too.) A Jill with a power weapon would be nice. Jill has NO power weapons... makes getting SS in Prison a b****.... And keep them with the other characters. Keep Chris and Sheva in it as well. They left out Jill in Reunion. That makes no sense -and enough of the exaggerated ass when she does those wierd kicks. The body doesn't naturally go into a split position with your butt out after a cartwheel. It looks forced and awkward. RE3 Jill would be nice. Mafia Leon... RE4 Ada... Clubbin' Rebecca... Gangster Billy... Bringing back Claire at all would be nice. I still don't understand why they didn't add her....
A survival mode! THAT would be SO much better than mercs. Me and a friend of mine were talking about that on XBL last week. Barricading building and holding off against enemy swarms, limited ammo, them breaking in, us running to high ground, them trying knock it over (like the bus in the early RE5 trailers) that would be SO epic. After each swarm would be an intermission for however long until everyone comes back and continues. So epic....