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I think ya miss it if you don't pick up the shotgun or whatever is mounted on the wall in the other room, if I'm not mistaken.
Not with Chris though, or you get stuck in the room and squished regardless if I remember correctly.
Rollin6z;44814 said:
Not with Chris though, or you get stuck in the room and squished regardless if I remember correctly.

No, don't you remember, Wesker comes in and saves you at the last second too, then he & Chris reflected on that moment & were great friends.:)

Yeah Chris gets squished regardless.:)
I wonder how different the Story would have turned out if you Played as one of the other STARS members.

Enrico Marini would have been interesting, he wound up a lot of places, like Umbrella's factory.
Why did alpha team wait 24 hours after losing communication with bravo team to move?
I can understand Umbrella could have told Irons/Wesker to wait enough time for bravo team to move into the mansion and die, but the other members could be suspicious about that.
^Yeah that was kinda stupid. Maybe it would have been too easy if most of both teams were still alive. Ken died as soon as you got there. And Forest's corpse seemed only a few hours old.
Bruno, you are pointing out all the things we usually miss.:) By the way I checked the RE2 intro, you are right, on how the car crashed, front or back first.

Hmmm, I think 24 hours is an okay amount of time to wait...but I guess it is something that Capcom overlooked...
Surely it's because they intended the game to be set at night. But, if they had no plans for RE0 (probably not even for RE2), they could have set a more realistic amount, i mean, Bravo team could have been dispatched during the day (it's not realistic to have sent them during the night) . Maybe they thought that an emergency landing during the night, in the forest would be a more scarier situation.
RE3 and 2's schedulings are also crappy because they wanted the whole games to occur during the night.
Yeah I think you are right about when they would send out Bravo, obviously it wouldn't be at night....I never thought about that.:)

RE3's took place at daybreak, so it was daytime, just it looked fairly gloomy, and it was darker later on after Jill & Carlos left for the Clock Tower.:)
Maybe STARS teams are active at different times, like when Bravo team members are on Duty. Alpha team members are off, and vice versa. Maybe it took a day to assemble the team, like Barry could have been in Canada for example the day Bravo team was sent.
i remember reading something once that does say they have a connection.
i think barry bought something from him...although i could be wrong, but im 100% sure they have a connection.

this is quoted directly off resident evil wiki

"Barry (aged 38) is also a known gun enthusiast and NRA member. When he came to Raccoon City to join S.T.A.R.S., he became friends with Gun Shop owner Robert Kendo. The two were close friends and often went fishing together in Stoneville. Due to their friendship, Barry commissioned Robert's brother, Joe, to modify most of S.T.A.R.S.' arsenal, including their side arm, the Samurai Edge."
Spike991;46399 said:
Yeah I think you are right about when they would send out Bravo, obviously it wouldn't be at night....I never thought about that.:)

RE3's took place at daybreak, so it was daytime, just it looked fairly gloomy, and it was darker later on after Jill & Carlos left for the Clock Tower.:)

It was gloomy because it had rained in the game as well when you return back the downtown area. As for RE2, it was early evening from the beginning. RE4 and RE5 portrayed daytime.
Awesome job dude! I'm loving all these pics of all the members! The only thing I'm still trying to figure out is who is that guy on the bottom left? Is that the Bravo pilot no one knows? I can figure out everyone else but that one guy! The last scenes I seen him was when he gave the "thumb up" to rebecca, and then when Alpha found him dead with marks on his face... poor bastard didn't have a chance in the Resident Evil universe!
Thanks spike for that its really well laid out wanted to see if Miss Chambers was a stars member which this helped clarify things up cheers.

Lil question tho how come Rebecca Chambers isn't in that group photo with all the stars members? Was the photo taken before she was part of the team or somthin?
Thanks in advance.