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-Listen,we have tons of ammo..Apparently every apartment had a stock..Wonder how they died. That's the problem. We can't understand anything,it's all formulas and stuff..We could arrange to come for you..We think that there is an entrance to the labs here and that we might find the cure...Don't worry about being bitten..We'll be on our guard..Just think about it. Wouldn't your friend be safer if you were with us..What if you die,and she ends up alone..But,if you come,we may have a chance of surviving..It's important..For you,and for Vince-
I found some kind of capsoule with some liquid in it but I decided to shut up about it, at least not tell anyone yet. It said on the tube DAYLIGHT.
While waiting for a further reply,Minja,Vince and Shady pased through the flat...Shady was a bit quet.He sat in the dining room.He looked quite moody. Minja sat down next to him,handing him a cup of tea..-I know it's been one hell of a ride,but we survived for this long...We can't give up now...-She looked into his eyes and gave him a hopeful smile..-This will all be in the past one day..At least we'll have an unique story for our grandchildren..-She took a sip of her own tea..-By the way..If you ever feel like talking...-
wtf trinity? Steve?

Vince sat down quiet. he was signing in to his email and found a message titled "Zombies" He looked in the email and it said "There is a zombie attack in racoon and none of you are getting out alive, hahaha. The only cure there is is a liquid called Daylight." vince then looked at the sender. "Hmph Umbrella? How did they get into this?". "Hey Shady, Minja Daylight is the cure for the virus. All we have to do is go out and find it
rathit... that was random. But ya know what? I don't care, I'm gettin' real now.

Rose and Tony didn't need to think about it. Minja had merely stated what they had originally inteded, but the issue wasn't whether or not it was planned, the issue was how to execute it. Rose was safer with the main group and the main group was safer if Vince joined Tony. Vince had been infected for a good long while, there was no garuntee it would work -and Tony infected his entire arm by a monster not just some random zombie. That had to count for something.
A loud beating came from a steel door below the building and a loud screaming could be heard from even further in. The zombies outside were drawn to the faux wall and were able to knock it down revealing the blast doors beneath them. The screaming attracted something bigger... the same creature that had leveled Jack's bar in the slums. With some prodding and discovery, it was mere minute before it realized how to open the hatch. When it opened two fleshy creatures leapt from the inside as the source of the screaming became louder without the barrier. The screamer followed them out -even if not as nimbly. The zombies became drawn to the sound, but redirected their focus to the sight of the two fleshy creatures prowling outside. Istinctively sensing their attention had meaning, the zombies mindlessly gazed into the air locking onto the small light of the room the main group occupied. The large creature carried on uninterested in the trifle and dissapeared around the corner. There wasn't hope of escape before, but there definitely wasn't now. The lower levels were completely blocked off. It was only a matter of time before the zombies broke through the barriers to the stairs.
(No one knows that I've got anything that call DAYLIGHT. I found it in the hands of a dead reasercher) It won't take long until the zombies reach this floor, I'm heading for the elevator C'mon...
Valentine then why didnt you STATE you didnt tell anyone cause it seems like you did the post like that.
[Sorry. I ment Shady..I'll edit.. rathit..Please,please stop doing that...Some of us are busting are little grey cells to make a trustworthy plot,and you mess it up.. SO STOP DOING THAT :D ]

...There was a loud thomping sound...Their last hope,the barricade fell...The only way out was the elevator...They grabbed all they could carry in their backpacks and harnesses..Ammo,pistols,shotguns,some clothes,food and medipacks...They also took the diaries and the laptop,for further comunication with the other group...They ran as quick as they could to the elevator...-Sh*t guys...They learned how to climb stairs..-Minja panicked,as the hungry moans became closer and louder...-Type in the's too many of them..Don't know how much can we resist them- and she fired a clean headshot at the closest zombie...
-Oh,fu*k-Minja yelled...It happened in a split second...They were all together,Shady was about to type in the code,when a terrifying creature grabbed him and started pulling him away...-No,no,no...This can't be possible...-She thought panicly kicking one of the zombies,crawling on the ground...-Vince,quick...we have to save Shady...-She cried,running to Shady...
The screamer approached the stairway entrance. On sight with Vince and Minja it let loose an earplitting cry ****tering all the glass in the building and disorienting them. The zombies flocked upstairs like moths to a flame.
Tony and Rose were walking away, but Tony could hear it.
"Rose, they're in trouble."
"What?" Rose couldn't understand the reasoning behind the apparently random question. Tony decided not to freak her out by telling her he could hear them and decided to fake it.
"Don't you think it's strange they haven't replied to us in awhile?"
"Well... yeah, but...."
"Come on."
Rose and Tony hurried back at full sprint.

GOO! get the hell out of here I yelled as I struggled to hold on to the window but I couldn't hold on any more, I was worn awy with the licker.
When Minja and Vince reached the window I was gone and as the zombies were approaching they had no choise but to leave.
The moment the licker was about to eat Shady a rain of bullets pummeled its head as it fell back coiling in pain. Its grip was loosened on Shady as Tony and Rose tried to clear a path for him to a fire escape.
Sorry DegenearateElite but this is what I had in mind.

The licker threw me up on the roof as it came flying at me, I stood up and the licker gazed at me as it approach, I pulled out my Socom but it was snatched right out of my hand. Guess it's hand to hand now, the licker grabbed my leg with its tounge and were about to slam me into the elvetor door on the roof but I still had my knife, so I started cuting as much as I could and it let go of me. Now it jumped at me and I fell on the ground, its slimy tounge weaved around my thort, I stuck my knife though its neck and it was paralyzed and dead.

I stod up claimed my gun back and threw a napkin on its head and said, Dry yourself you're dead.

I manage to open the elevator, The elevator was at the bottom, Shady: hmm they made it, as I started to climb down the elevator suddenly starded to move up, I contiued down and when I was about half way down it reach me, Perhaps zombies hmm no there were humans but not Minja and Vince...
Minja stumbled into the elevator as the hatch closed in front of them,tearing the image of zombie hands and moans...She crumpled on the floor and started to cry...-We shouldn't have left him...We shouldn't....-She sobbed...All is pointless..Shady's gone. Gone like Reno.Gone like the rest of the Racooners,and she and Vince are heading to who knows where,to fight and probably die from who knows what...