Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Revelations had all 3 of those things and more and RE4 is considered one of the greatest video games of all time while Revelations is seen by fans and critics as an actual Resident Evil game and the only reason the Resident Evil IP was not a complete failure this year.
There are loads of developers out there can can bring great Scary/Survival Horror games and make them successful, but it's not about the players being too scared to try it or whatever, that's a bunch of horses**t. The reason why companies are turning their horror franchises into action and not making horror franchises is because they are too scared to invest in new IPs and genres, plus they just want to grab the Call of Duty audience and maximize profits by making more action games. But that will just blow up in their face, just like it did with RE6, RE6 is both a critical and commercial failure for going all action, ORC failed critically and just barely succeeded commercially but Revelations which was a Survival Horror game was a great success. People don't want action from Resident Evil whether you see it or not and the game is not gonna sell on a mediocre story alone.
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I have nothing to praise about RE6 but if I had a favorite moment in the game it would be Ada's crawling moments.
Yes it's obviously about Money. Survival horror actually sells pretty bad. Even DeadSpace is adding Co-op to Dead Space 3, to make it less scary. Because they can physically see the numbers being low despite the praise the series gets, because there are people literally too scared to want to play the game.
Same Reason Amnesia isn't getting a huge sum of money. Being scared in a game and scared in a movie are two different things. in a game, you control the fate. While in a movie you have no control.
And I think this hits people too hard.
I'm not scared of ANY RE game. So RE6 doesn't feel any less scary than it's previous games. I was a little scare dof RE1 on PS1, but I was also like 9 years old when that came out.
If Survival Horror did really well on the main stream market I'm sure they could make a scary game. Most of their resources would go to that. Capcom believes action will sell more. and that's why it's going in that direction.
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I love RE6,it's my favorite out of the whole Series so far.
Controls: Best in the Series
Voice Acting: Best in the series
Cutscenes/Plot: best in the series IMO
Horror: Almost the worst in the series, RE5 being the bottom IMO.
Action: A little too over the top for me, but i can overlook it. I mean Leon and Helena falling off a cliff in a bus, Dust their pants off and their fine. If that isn't a bit ridiculous I dunno what is.
Graphics: Pretty Damn Good
And I think Leon/Ada have the best character relation chemistry in the series.