RE7 has to be more like Revelations if it wants to both be classified as a Resident Evil game and succeed, it will do great cause Revelations pleased the horror fans, story fans and even the action fans, RE6 pleased no one.I have not had the luxury of playing Revelations yet. RE 4 was a masterpiece, I need to revisit that game. Also I really enjoyed playing the walking dead series, I think they delivered all three, but that's an entirely different style of game. The point I was trying to make is that RE6 is EXTREMELY dependent on story. Multiple campaigns with story intersections. Balancing the story alone must have been very challenging to make, and I believe is under appreciated. They aren't catering to COD fans, they are aiming for high multiplayer action and high replayability. Not what everyone wants, but for what they intended I think they delivered. I honestly hope that the next RE will be more scary, but I was not expecting this game to be scary and I was not disappointed. Also enjoyed the crawling moments.
I don't want future RE games to focus on the story alone because at this point the story is just crap IMO, Wesker all of the sudden having a son, Ada having a doppelganger, guys mutating into dinosaurs, zombies with guns, organic chainsaw arms, I just don't like all that and don't want to see it continue, so as much as I hate reboots, I want RE7 to be a complete story reboot of the franchise.